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Date Posted: 10:23:42 10/16/00 Mon
Author: Mr. Phule
Subject: Offical DoG Update
In reply to: Zeratul 's message, "Heh, may I have a DoG completion percentage :P" on 18:54:29 10/15/00 Sun

If you're referring to DoG in general, it's 90% complete (9 parts out of 10 completed).

But your real question, DoG part 10, is coming along nicely. Although much of the writing is complete, I've got major revisions to do, and I need to make sure I don't have too many overly large plot holes, so I'd say that the overall work is roughly 40% completed, but the hardest part is done, and now I'm to the easy yet time consuming and tedious work. I'm working on it right now, actually. I had planned to work heavily on it this weekend, as I have no classes on Thursday and Friday. (Fall Break rules).

However, I was just invited to spend Fall Break with my Little at her house. Seeing as I desperately need to get the hell away from this campus for a few days, I have accepted the offer. This also means that it will NOT be completed this weekend. However, I realize that it's been far too long since part 9 was posted. I currently have part 10 at 20 pages. My plan is to have it at around 50. You people have options. If I get...say, 3 of the 5 of you people who actually read this thing to say so, I will put out part 10 in parts. I'll have to do some minor re-writes, but if you people want that, I have have Part 10a to you before I leave on Wednesday. It'll be around 10-12 pages.

I apologize for the time it's taking to get this out, but there's alot more to writing this than sitting down and typing. I've spent time researching and looking up stuff. Part 10 has involved the HEAVY use of a thesaurus, for reasons you will understand shortly into the story. I'm about ready to throw the thing through the wall. Then I myself am struggling with the plot. It's very very hard for me to slow the plot down enough so that there's some semblence of surprise, humor, and so you people don't feel like I'm just dragging you through it.

If you want me to put out part 10 in parts, let me know. If you want it in one big chunk, that's fine too. Personally, I think it'll be better if you let me do it all in one shot, but I'll be more likely to finish it sooner if I put it out in parts. Totally up to you.

-Mr. Phule
"Get thee down. Be thou funky."

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