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Date Posted: 02:00:20 10/17/00 Tue
Author: Drake
Subject: Sluggy had no relation to creating this post, however similar they may seem... it wasnt till after I wrote it did I read the past couple of days worth of sluggy... Only Phule understands...
In reply to: Drake 's message, "What we have here, is a classic situation..." on 01:49:45 10/17/00 Tue

> What we have here, is a classic situation. I have been
> in many of them, and I know that you all have too.
> "So what do you wanna do?"
> "Uhhh... I dunno, what do you wanna do?"
> "Uhhh... I dunno, whatever is cool with me."
> "Well, I dunno, it's your choice man."
> "Uhh I dunno, whatever you want."
> I see it all the time, and instead of saying "Phule, I
> think you should do the story in one big 'Hurah!' But
> I do want to read up some new stuff so doing parts
> would be cool, but whatever you decide man..."
> Im just going to make a command decision before you
> answer with the "I'm writing this story just becuase
> you guys want me to, and it really is up to you
> becuase everytime you ask about it I delay it one
> week... ect."
> So... here's the big decision...
> ::Drum Roll::
> One big finale "Hurah!" Don't break it up.
> If anybody disagrees too bad. Unless your Phule, in
> which case if he disagrees, he automatically wins.
> Anywho, I'm glad I settled this manner, allthough I
> have a feeling that I either a)Just ended the
> innerespirutal debate so mentioned in previous topics,
> or b)Just started one. Both of which are bad...
> Im going to go to sleep now, so I will cya'll later.
> Drake

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