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Date Posted: 21:31:35 11/16/00 Thu
Author: Anthrax
Subject: Hey arent we pretty close to a new archive thing...

anyway... Yeah Ive kinda moved past D2. The only thing that keeps me going on bnet occationally is to log the hours on my guys so they dont get deleted. I got over it when I started a sorc with my friend... got all the best items and put them on her to start.. and gained 40 levels in a day and a half. So yeah, is anyone on USEast? I can give some good shiznit away cuz all but 1 character is on west. I have started to play Red Alert 2 tho.. its brought back old RTS style thinking like brood war. I recommend getting it to all. And Phule.. that Dune movie is gonna rule, I watch the sci fi channel every night while doing homework, just because the shows are 10x better than cable. Outer Limits, Lexx, Farscape and First Wave rule, wacked out plots n stuff. So yeah, I had a break inbetween some ugly english homework so I decided to post.

Go buy the new Limp Bizkit CD, The Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water. It rules.

Proud owner of a lvl 70 amazon and lots of goodies.. well not PROUD... but yeah you get the idea.

Hey phule you should be burnt at the stake and gutted with a rusty nail file, while simultaniously poked in the eye with frozen toothpicks. All for joining another clan... and playing BGH above all. Its almost unforgivable... however if you get me some reading material **cough, cough, DoG, cough, cough** I shall ask the great judge to grant you lenience. Yeah. Well actually i dont think anything will happen but another clan... pshhhhh =)

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