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Date Posted: 12:05:50 01/18/01 Thu
Author: Mr. Phule
Subject: Addendum to declaration
In reply to: Mr. Phule 's message, "I hereby declare this forum...." on 22:13:12 01/14/01 Sun

In responce to some comments I've gotten, I will say this.

The forum will probably be here until the day that voy shuts down. So far as I know, they don't moniter board activity a whole lot. Just type in any random board number and you'll see what I mean. Very few of them have more than one or two posts.

However, there are about 3.5 people who post here anymore, and it's a fact that SH isn't comin' back. Drake and I are pretty much the only two people who would be able to pull that off (though we would need help, don't get me wrong, it's just that we're the ringleaders of this little band) and neither one of us has the time or energy or desire. We just want it to be there. That said, it's jsut dead. This forum was to serve the purpose of keeping us united until we could get SH off the ground again. It kept us united, but not united enough. A shame, perhaps....or perhaps not. Regardless, we shall all live, and I shall remember the "golden days"....the Mega-Tournament.

Oh but that was fun, I think there were 20 people who enetered it. The final 4 were me, Tseng, Punk, and Chaos. Punk beat Tseng, I barely...BARELY beat Chaos, and then Punk and I played to 5 games in a best of 5. That fifth game was one of the best games I have ever played, and I just barely pulled through. (It's my personal opinion that Punk let me win, but I've never brought that up before.)

Regardless, it was close. Then there was the time Drake and I won a Diablo tournament, by beating the game in a single sitting. The times we tried to talk people into playing Chaos-style alliance rings. The time we played an 8-man FFA on Killing Fields. We may not be too fond of TC, but they're the last of SH, and I for one, will choose to remember them, even Sword, as I knew them then. I doubt if I'll ever be in another clan, if only because I've grown up some, and am now heavily into my teaching classes. I'm teaching in a 5th tgrade classroom 2 days a week now. Next semester I'll be teaching full-time. Two years from now, I'll be a fully licensed teacher. Not much time for video games then. But, SH was alot of fun for me freshmen year, and it did alot for me, though I feel like an absolute moron for saying that.

All sentiments aside, I've got one hell of a busy semester ahead of me. My 5th graders are wonderful kids, all of them. Even the ones with attitudes, and they get the lion's share of my attention nowadays.

Have fun, good luck, and every so often, load up a game, and win one for the ol' team.

KTS forever!

Member - Council of Light
HouseMaster - Knights of Temple Solomon
Member - Knights of Temple Solomon

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