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Date Posted: 19:43:07 10/28/04 Thu
Author: mike
Subject: thoughts on the state of our environment

“Only tree hugging hippies care about the rainforest…” I heard someone say. How ignorant can this person be? Do they not realize the life that exists within the Amazon, the life it provides us all through the oxygen it produces? I fear the world is at the cusp of an ecological disaster caused by apathy across the board; from high rolling corporate CEO’s to small town youth. Why is this? I look to my youth for answers. Was I not taught enough about our environment, did they not stress the importance of sustaining our planets resources? Sadly this provides me with no answers, for I was certainly made aware of the damage being done to our planet. So I look deeper and I can only find more questions. Perhaps man, with all of our successes and advancements,is loosing touch with reality. With the emphasis being placed on statistics and dollar signs; something obscure, we are forgetting that which is most important, which allows us to live the way we do. If the world’s economy relied on environmental transactions, clean water, natural fuels, anything, possibly then we wouldn’t turn a blind eye to our own destruction. The Kyoto Protocol is a major step in the right direction and yet the U.S. refuses to sign it. It is important to note the U.S. releases almost 34% of the world’s fossil fuel emissions into the atmosphere. Perhaps I come off as somewhat of a hypocrite for I was once apathetic myself, yet I now see the errors in my thinking. Working in the Cascade Mountains over the past few summers I have been surrounded by nature’s beauty and majesty, and I weep at the thought of others not being able to experience that which has been so important in my life. More than anything I am frustrated and compelled to change this. How I do not yet now, however I make a pledge here and now, I will strive in everything I do to live more sustainably and to be more ecologically conscious in the decisions I make. This is Grassroots. Change has to start somewhere….

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