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for Special Announcements :-)

Examples Are:
MHPC Announcements
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Your New-Found Resources for the Nut-Tree
Your New Baby/Grandbaby
Your Newest Design
A Kudo to Yourself for Whatever!

The Acorn Board | The Beechnut Board | The CobNuts Board | Nut Tree Directory | Oak Tree Leaves | Web Tips Tricks & Tutorials | Royale Nut Mix | Your Dedications Gallery | Framed Nut Gallery | Squirrel's Pouch | MHPC's Nutty Greeting Center | Nutty Greetings | Chattering Cashews | World Time Zones Translator



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Due to MHPC being an internationally based membership organization, geographical and regional breeches of etiquette can and will occur. While this is dealt with immediately and we attempt to educate our members on our cultural disparities, there may and will be times in which you might incur offense or discomfort as a result of it. We hope that you will not only maintain a sense of humour, but offer tolerance through the educational process.

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