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Mercy's Private Stables

*[You drive/walk/ride down the road until you see a sign saying ~ Black Pine Farm and Stable ~ and you become curious so you venture down the private two-lane cobblestone road. The road?s center divider is luscious Creeping Red Fescue and every few feet a silver Maple tree. To the side of the roads are silver Maples and Fescue as well and right behind that are white vinyl fences with a band of hot wire at the top and bottom. The Maples trees are aged and tall, creating shade over the road and protection from the rain. You go down further and you come upon a tall arching postway with a hanging sign with the name Black Pine Farm and Stable. You continue and several hundred feet in front is a large stained wood with hunter green trim two-story country style house with a rap around porch. To the left are large pastures full of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, emus, llamas and Alpacas and more. There are several small barns for the animals to go into at night and during the snow and rain, otherwise they graze in luscious grass fields. In the farest reaches is a large hay field and crops for personal use: wheat, barley hay, alfalfa hay, grass hay, corn, carrots, and such. There is also a large orchard full of citrus, fruit, and vegetables. To the right of you are several barns for the horses, large pastures, paddocks, round pens, arenas, and more. The property is flaked with Black Pines, and Red Woods as well. A young woman on a white steed approach you. Its Mercy (Mercedes)- the owner- and her Lippizan stallion- Parisian Blizzard. She begins to speak:
? Hi! I?m Mercedes Fox, but you can call me Mercy. I?m the owner, trainer, and jockey. Feel free to have a look around. I will take a few boarders. I will also have studs and broods up for public usage with a fee and will soon have livestock and equines for sale. Boarders have free usage of facilities. I have a large house to myself with 5 bedrooms. I can have up to four people stay with me but you have to be of some use to me such as a groomer, mucker, exercise rider, and so on. Enjoy your tour!? are her last words as she rides away.
If you?d like to know what there is here (if you want a tour of the place) click on facilities. In each barn there will be a list of her horses and boarder?s horses, or of her livestock. Feel free to enjoy the peace and serenity. If you want to be a boarder, stay in her home, or any other question, please ask in her office. Thank you!]*

Mercy?s Office
OOC Board
About Mercy

Mare in Foal
Horses in Training

Indoor Arena
Outdoor Arena
Cross - Country Course
Dressage Arena
Steeple ? Chase
Turf Track
Dirt Track
Pond and Streams

Round Pens
Hot Walker
Wash Racks/Grooming Racks
Halter Ring
Training Ring
Livestock Shoot
Confinement Stall

Mules and Donkeys
Llama and Alpaca
Chinchilla and other Nocturnals



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