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Date Posted: 17:54:06 09/22/02 Sun
Author: Iain
Subject: -Listen to the words-

The male walked around, surveying the land. He smiled to himself, much inspiration would be found here, he could tell. Finding a rather sturdy tree, he climbed up unto the branches and drew out his harp. He was a bard, his words were his gifts. His words came out sweet yet strong, his masculine voice suiting the song well.

Welcome.. silence... to my place
I've missed you for so long
I sought your face a thousand times in voices loud and strong
In searching for your solitude... I looked and looked without
And where else should I find your face... upon this holy ground.

Now... silence... would you not... spend more time just here
Your breeze is as a lover fine, a lover fine to me
And in the quiet darkness of our sacred place
I'd hold your court and bid you never leave here or away

Through worlds divine and shadows fine and 'cross the seven seas
Forever searching... wanderlust... in hopes of home to see
If... silence... you've a home... a place for us to be
Then glad I'll be your lover true
And go there... go there... with you

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