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Date Posted: 04:36:49 06/27/06 Tue
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.. By the time that Shite had arrived, Dorjan had already managed to pull files out. The wastebasket had a few tossed in there as well, oddly enough.
He raised an eyebrow towards Shite's remark, then shook his head. "Kyan has already explained that he kicked everyone out of the mansion, after killing one. I don't blame you for what someone else has done."
Dorjan picked up one of the files from his desk, still looking at Shite. "Actually, I was going to give you a bit of a present." ..
.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan .. gendered .. male .. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older .. born .. human, changed vampire .. creator .. Cale
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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: <*>Unlucky<*>
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Date Posted: 08:34:42 06/27/06 Tue
His jaw hung open a bit, staring at Dorjan like the man had just told him he was gonna make Shite the master of the Mansion. Shite couldn't believe this. A present, from this hardass? There's gotta be a catch, right?
After a lon moment of just staring at him, he finally stumbled over a word or two. "Wait... what? A present? ... What's the catch?"
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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Midnight ..
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Date Posted: 09:32:13 06/27/06 Tue
(( No layout as I'm posting during my lunchbreak at work. And, by the way, Benny, do you happen to still contact Loo on occasion? or do you still have her AIM? ))
Dorjan chuckled at Shite's rather surprised expression, and the bit of tentativeness that crawled across his features chasing that. It was almost more entertaining to do this to the demon than anything else if he was going to continue to act like that.
He offered the file to Shite - a rather fat folder with ample information inside of it. "You have to use him. And if you don't, then I'll cull him. I also keep breeding rights for him, for later. Simple as that." Demotion for someone else, was what Dorjan was saying. He didn't want to destroy something that he could use later for breeding, but he didn't want to lose face in society for keeping it either.
It was a strategic ploy. By handing Hayden over to Shite, Dorjan kept full rights to him as Shite was his, but none of the negative aspect of keeping a too-old slave remained. Hayden could continue living - and no doubt be bred later down the line, or perhaps sooner rather then later. And Shite would have help with Ek'Nav and anything else he wanted.
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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: <*>Unlucky<*>
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Date Posted: 11:57:44 06/27/06 Tue
He took the file slowly, and read it over, tilting his head just a bit. His thoughts welled up a bit, about this and that. Mostly what Hayden might think. He knew one thing, though. At least Hayden would be alive for a while.
He spoke finally. "So, either you're promoting me, or demoting him. Am I still 'Your's'?" Truth be told, he wasn't exactly Dorjan's. He actually belonged to the Hooded men. Though, for all intensive purposes he was Dorjan's. It was just one of those technicalities in life that didn't even really matter. It wasn't like Shite was about to second guess the man. He knew he could turn Ek'Nav against him, and he hated that thought.
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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Midnight ..
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Date Posted: 15:24:12 06/27/06 Tue
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.. The vampire stared at Shite blankly a moment, then chuckled in a tense sort of good-nature - tense for what it could mean for Shite. "You're being too wistful if you think that file's yours. You're mine, and you'll stay that way until you're sold to someone else." He waved his hand, dismissively, pointedly not answering the second part of his question. There were some things that the slave hierarchy could determine for itself.
"Take him with you when you go back to Ek'Nav. There's a new set of clothes for the three of you waiting in the room, and ample supplies." ..
.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan .. gendered .. male .. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older .. born .. human, changed vampire at age 21 .. creator .. Cale
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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: <*>Unlucky<*>
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Date Posted: 15:32:46 06/27/06 Tue
"I don't suppose you could let Ek'Nav wear what he normally wears, could ya? I mean... he kinda got real used to that wardrobe when we left. I mean... you don't have to let him if you don't want to... I just think it'll keep him in better spirits." As if Ek'Nav really had spirits, or emotions, really. Though, of course, in some odd way he did. Trust, at the very least.
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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Stained ..
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Date Posted: 15:42:13 06/27/06 Tue
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.. Dorjan's mood obviously soured by the rather pointless and bottomless request, he glared at Shite. "Don't make me repeat myself, or take back my offer. I can just as easily hand him over to Kuro." His fangs flashed a bit as he spoke, a natural reflex to his own anger.
"You'll like the clothing for yourself - they're to your style." And he gave the high impression that he was regretting that little bit of extra effort. ..
.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan .. gendered .. male .. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older .. born .. human, changed vampire at age 21 .. creator .. Cale
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