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Subject: I'm Anemic.

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Date Posted: 19:02:10 10/25/06 Wed
In reply to: Dorjan 's message, ".. Blood Letting .." on 18:51:56 10/25/06 Wed

Koen quickly obeyed to the command, at once apologizing to Nyxia for leaving her. (I'll get to that sometime).

Kavi was beginning to wonder if the vampire had really just kicked the bucket and the rigor mortis had come around really early. But, when Dorjan opened his eyes, Kavi replaced his look of slight concern with one of annoyed boredom. "Why should I learn about this place if I'm only staying for a little while?" Even saying that made him quiver because of the memories of shattered glass and dead scientists still hung in his mind's eye.

His shoulders set against the onslaught of commands that he predicted to come his way, 004980 clenched his jaw tightly and sent what he hoped was a death glare to the undead. Maybe the guy would keel over and die. Wouldn't that be a nice way to end his day?

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Date Posted: 19:10:15 10/25/06 Wed

.. Dorjan quirked an eyebrow at Kavi's statement, though his patience was clearly gone from the look that was now apparent on his face. However, any shred of wanting to let the other know that things might be different disappeared from his thoughts once the shifter began to glare. Dorjan returned the look, ten-fold, bringing his hand back faster than any human and forward again in rapid succession to place a backhand across Kavi's cheek - a motion that was probably strong enough to make him stumble.

"You're lucky that you're alive right now. Keep that in mind. You continue to live by my grace, and your life isn't something that right now I would think twice about taking. Your purpose is to change that opinion, by doing as you're told." His voice was calm and even, though it was clearly driven by his own anger. ..

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Date Posted: 19:19:25 10/25/06 Wed

His body fell away from the vampire before his mind could comprehend more than the thought of "Wow, he's fast". Sitting on the floor with a now bruised and battered face, Kavi winced when he attempted to frown. It was apparent that the vamp was a short-fuse, but 004980 didn't care. I'm my own person. This is my body. I can do what the hell I want with it, he thought to himself.

Standing shakily, 004980 stretched to his full height, a decently tall 5 feet 8 inches of tiger shifter, and willed the vampire to just dare and hit him again. "I have a purpose. But, that sure as hell ain't it," he spat out.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Tough Luck ..

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Date Posted: 19:29:46 10/25/06 Wed

.. He was happy to see that it had sent the other to the floor, but his mood seemed to canker even more at Kavi's thought. The boy certainly didn't know much about vampires, and even less about Dorjan. This process could take a little while, seeing how wild the other was - and determined. Perhaps that could all be channeled... eventually.

"You're a slave now, boy. Your body, your person, belongs to someone else." There was a small twitch near the corner of Dorjan's left eye as his face twisted into a smirk, baring pointed canines disapassionately. Kavi just kept pushing his luck with that running mouth - and head - of his.

Dorjan closed the space between them again, hand snapping out to twine fingers like chorded steel around Kavi's neck. He lifted him off the floor effortlessly, like he was nothing more than the morning's mail, and tightened the muscles in his hand.

"You will learn to listen, to obey, and you will learn to love the attention it affords you. Your other option is to become my dinner, or perhaps someone even elss desireable's dinner." Ah, yes, the calm was still there but it prevailed in that unearthly creepyness taht only a non-human could obtain. ..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Can We Make A Deal?

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Date Posted: 19:40:15 10/25/06 Wed

Somewhat creeped out by the thought-reading thing, 004980 stood, dumbstruck. This whole vampire thing confused him and he wasn't going to have anything else to do with it.

That is, he was planning on having nothing to do with it until the vamp started jacked him up off the ground. The cold fear flooded through the unknowing slave's system. The thing that had set off his adrenaline was the lack of emotion that this guy seemed to have (or not). In threatening his life, the other male hadn't changed his expression. At all.

Kavi choked out a few incomprehensible words before attempting to nod his head. Remembering that this unnatural creature heard thoughts, he concentrated in his mind. We'll see about that. But, I'm not promising anything until I know what's in it for me. And I am not a slave. I may be different, but I'm no one's slave. Or so he thought....(pun pun)

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