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Subject: .. Double the Fun .. | |
Author: Dorjan | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 13:15:19 12/09/06 Sat In reply to: Kazan & Shale 's message, "marketday victim?" on 12:20:10 12/09/06 Sat ((Not a problem at all. We all have our off moments. xp )) .. If he hadn't been in front of the other vampire, he would have groaned, or sighed, or something. He found it utterly tiresome to not use verbal phrases when one was physically present. It was a practice that it seemed had worn out with the older generation of vampires. Or, at least, with the disappearance of most of the older generation. Cale, he knew, would just never leave him alone or be quiet. He did let his mood touch to his face the smallest bit at her slight drawl and pet name for him. He was certainly no familiar face or another toy of hers to be called dear, and he suggested as much by the slight tightness around his eyebrows and the corner of his mouth. Dorjan really wasn't in the position to play 'safely' tonight, or to entertain someone he didn't want to be dealing with at all. Those smallest bits of annoyance, however, drifted back towards curiosity as she chased down her own statement. A sale, hmmm? That was business talk he was always willing to manage. "Certainly you'd prefer to deal somewhere other than the hallway. One of the parlours, perhaps, or my study?" He stepped to the side lightly, inviting her with his body language to enter if she so wished. He knew that with her 'present' would no doubt come with strings attached and a price for her work. But Dorjan was not one to lack money or strings of his own to pull. As long as he could identify what her terms would be, then things would go over fine. Her treatment of his ex-slave was intriguing. It seemed almost that she was making less of a statement to Kazan and more of one to him. Well, if she wanted to play that sort of game he could as well. He pointedly ignored the exposed throat with poised grace. He had just fed himself, so although it certainly attracted his senses it didn't stir him to gorge himself. It wasn't but so much of a lure when he wasn't hungry. .. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |