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Subject: ~+Swish, Swish Goes Time+~ }So That I May Fly Away{

Neka, Calder
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Date Posted: 13:45:33 02/05/07 Mon
In reply to: Mayne, Roxle 's message, "One human, three shifters, and one hell of an argument" on 19:11:27 02/04/07 Sun

Indeed, Calder kept as much distance between himself and those two as he could manage without getting entirely lost. He knew they were going to Gordon, and he was relying on the man that he had pledged his life to to protect him, to serve justice for the injustices he had been subjected to. As Roxle and Mayne were crossing onto the path of the mansion's front lawn, Calder was walking angrily a few yards behind. His light speckled canine form was built for these long walks, and it suited him. Yet it wasn't nearly warm enough and there were times when he had to suppress the urge to shiver just from it.

In contrast to Calder, the female lupine was suffering no ills either from the temperature or the trek. She, too, was used to meandering long distances at a much faster pace, as well as the colder air. She was closer to the group than Calder was, as well, uncertainty filling most of her expression and temperment. Neka had only really caught small snippets of what it was that happened, but she did not like the end result of what she heard. She didn't approve of the manner in which Calder sulked behind them with his tufted tail flagged under his body, or the way he crept too close to the ground when he walked. But Neka was ever silent, and her opinions were kept to herself.

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[> [> Subject: Nothing I Can Do About It...Maybe

Mayne, Roxle
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Date Posted: 17:52:53 02/05/07 Mon

Mayne continued up the path, following the line of stones guiding them to the doorway. The closer they came to the actual prospect of facing the Master vampire, the more agitated the human seemed. Unlike his brother, Mayne knew what was to happen to Roxle. At least, to some extent. If his last visit had been anything of a hint, Master Dorjan would try his hardest to snag any and all of Master Gordon's possessions, and Master Gordon being in danger from angry villagers didn't seem like an incentive enough to be hiding away, in Mayne's opinion. (Unless, of course, they were angry villagers with pitchforks. Pitchforks were never any fun.)

Glancing behind him to make sure that his company was all present, Mayne dully noted Calder's behavior and Neka's continued silence, not to mention the tension that sang out of his brother's movements. Sighing and facing forward once more, he was surprised to find that the entrance to the mansion was so quickly upon them. Waiting for the rest of the party to catch up, he also, quite politely, raised a delicate eyebrow to arch at the door, fully expecting it to "work its magic". Pun intended.

Roxle continued to sulk forward after his brother, fearind, dreading, and hating that he was to be punished once he stepped over that threshold into the lair of another Master.

((I had no idea what to do with Roxle...but Mayne came out quite nicely...lol))

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[> [> [> Subject: ~+Swish, Swish Goes Time+~ }So That I May Fly Away{

Neka, Calder
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Date Posted: 13:22:46 02/11/07 Sun

Neka closed the distance between them hesitantly as they stopped near the door, knowing that it was best to keep near those that actually knew what was going on. She wasn't happy with what she had gathered had occured - of course not - yet she also knew that there was a way to survive this and a way to not survive this. And for her, for now, survival was all that was really important. If she could just keep living for a little longer, opportunity would present itself. It had to, eventually. It just had to.

Calder, in contrast, kept his distance. As the group slowed down, he literally sat in the front yard on one of the stepping stones and stared. His ears were pinned back now, lips partially threatening to curl even further. Defiant, angry, upset. And even with all that outward display, his tail was still tucked down underneath his belly like a beaten dog - which he was in all truth. There could be little doubt that Gordon wouldn't be happy with what had happened, and Calder intended to be very vocal about his own opinions on it.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: ) Lady Treasure (

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Date Posted: 14:49:18 02/13/07 Tue

((finally decided on Mayne's color. XD))

Mayne looked over his shoulder to see Calder in all his miserable glory and Neka come up close. It was the best that he was going to get. Pushing open the door, he walked in first and was surprised to see his older sister sitting on the couch opposite the door, watching them with her golden eyes. "Kuro!"

Roxle started when he saw his sister. Somehow, she had guarded her presence against their knowing. He ran forward, eagerly to greet her, but stopped when he saw the expression on her face.

Kuro hadn't been pleased when Master Gordon had charged her with greeting the new "guests". In fact, it was almost breaking her promise to Master Dorjan to forget about her former master completely. Almost. So, gracefully sitting upon the armchair, Kuro glared at her two younger twin brothers. After all that she had been through, what with explanations about the current situation in her old mansion, the jaguar shifter wasn't pleased to be here. But, it also didn't help that she was to bring Roxle immediately to Master Dorjan. "Roxle, follow me. The Master would like to see you." Lightly jumping off the couch and following the hallway down the way to the Master's study, she made a mental note to tell the Master that there were, in fact, two others along with her brothers, one of them clearly not in agreement with the others (being Calder).

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