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Subject: It's a good thing they're pretty to look at....

The Dynamic Duo
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Date Posted: 13:26:39 04/02/07 Mon
In reply to: Nyxia 's message, "((Lizzy and Flyta))" on 11:58:51 02/23/07 Fri

Flyta had never really been taught simply commands such as "sit" or "stay," which translated into current fashion by her sudden attention to every part of the room but the couches. She had to run her small frail hands across every surface and investigate things like patterning in the wood with undivided attention. Although Flyta's attention was always somewhat divided.

Lizzy was far less amused by new surroundings than Flyta, but impossibly even more unamused by the fact that surely logic would have told someone that she couldn't sit on anything with a back to it. And she wasn't about to do anything as informal as sit on the arm. "I'll stay standing." Enunciation was an art to Lizzy, never a syllable off the beat she spoke to, which made her deliberate pause even more noticeable. "Surely the information you need on those topics are all in our carefully collected records."

Flyta suddenly swooped down dangerously close to Nyxia and interrupted, "what Lizzy is trying to say is that she doesn't really know. But iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii do!" Flyta sang as she floated about in circles between the two.

"That's not what I was saying!" Lizzy shot a very ugly glare in Flyta's direction.

Which Flyta, of course, didn't notice at all. "Lizzy is doomed to have nothing but wild sex that produces lots of little lizzys that can be sold for high prices. And the wild part of the sex thing is totally optional." Flyta was not known for her tact, but Lizzy was carving out quite the reputation for glaring at Flyta while she spoke. Lizzy, of course, had too much pride to say anything herself. "To keep Lizzy from getting bored, Serena sent her to school at a boarding school in Maseru where she learned to be a stuck-up bitch and do paperwork. Which is what she does when she's not having wild sex." She chewed on her fingernail for a moment. "Which is probably a lot considering I can't imagine Lizzy on top and I don't see how it's physically possible for her to be bottom."

It wasn't really hard to discover why Lizzy didn't like Flyta. Of course, Flyta had no idea she was doing anything wrong.

Lizzy decided two could play at this game, "Flyta is a flirt." Lizzy jumped in, "She serves at parties in more ways than one. Everyone always seems to be amused by the stupid things that come out of her mouth, and somehow people enjoy forking out large amounts of money for her to pay attention to them long enough to have some sort of intercourse with her. When she's not being somewhat productive, she follows Yasmin around like a lost puppy and demands new clothing like she actually holds rights in this world."

((annnnnnnnd, i'm off to work. but at least it's something to work with))

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