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Pasa Sinha
The main access is via Vidya Sinha, from the west. Head north and you find yourself swiftly in Rainmaker Silverwoods.

Vegetation 10/10. Water 10/10.
About 45 acres.

A stunning territory, a rare, rich gem in the jungle. Many little streams rush through it, pouring east into the deeper forest. It pours here for a matter of months in the hotter monsoon season- beware if you are sensitive to wet! Because of this flies can abound, but the benefits more than make up for that. Fruit trees hang heavy with sweet, juicy fruit for much of the sweltering year, and the foliage is brilliant and verdant. All in all, a truly ideal place to live, for pretty much any species. Except... Deep in the jungle, in the heart of this flourishing land, lies a Danger. None speak of it, for fear of awakening its wrath. Beware, for sometimes it leaves its Haunts to terrorize those who inhabit this rich land!
And of course, there are the more mundane threats of the many predators attracted to this rich feeding ground. So enjoy, but watch your step. And if you are truly brave, or truly foolish, you might be tempted to enter the deep forest, and follow the path.

Subject: .:never challenge the unbeatable:.

Silver Fang
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Date Posted: 11:16:38 01/04/03 Sat

-She looks around at the beautiful forest. She pulls down another fruit that she eats and then she looks up again. She can feel something deep in the forest calling to her. She begins walking towards it and finds the path. She follows it-

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Subject: i watch and i seek but to find i know not what

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Date Posted: 16:32:53 10/02/02 Wed

Raven stallion turns his attention away from the terra beyond, and shofts hazel gaze into surroundind terra. Lobes flicker, listening for any sound.

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Subject: ~Slow~

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Date Posted: 17:40:16 10/19/02 Sat

Approaching a small band of horses, the mare slows so as not to attract interest. She swings wide at a trot, not worried enough to slink in the shadows. She soon passes from view into the next area.

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Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

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Date Posted: 13:37:13 09/13/02 Fri

» passing through «

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Subject: Longing

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Date Posted: 18:05:30 09/08/02 Sun

Raven stallion stood near the edge of the terra glancing around him, with sad mahogany optics. He was longing to return to Sangre, his first home. But something told him to stay, something deep inside. Sangre wasn't safe, but this terra had a danger hidden in the forest. He needed to move, somewhere safe.

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Subject: *Femme claims land.*

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Date Posted: 04:30:34 08/27/02 Tue

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Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

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Date Posted: 13:23:27 08/25/02 Sun

» boredom overcomes her and she tires of watching the antics of the others. pistons propell her forward and she soon disappears from through the jungle. «

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Subject: ~Quickly through~

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Date Posted: 14:50:06 08/24/02 Sat

Roan mare snorts quietly upon reaching such a seemingly perfect place; such perfection could not be attained without serious downfalls. Picking up a canter, she hurriedly exits to the west, fearful of she knew not what.

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Subject: overrule

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Date Posted: 22:24:51 08/19/02 Mon

She had no way of knowing where the line was drawn--no way of distinguishing the moment where her hoof was moved from Vidya into Pala. She didn't even know the names of the territories, or even that land was divided up; save those places where you just knew you weren't welcome. This should have been one of those places, but she was more involved in watching the vegetation plumpen up as she walked, and more excited about how it looked more and more delicious with every step that she took. She was hungry. This walking wouldn't last long, and she desperately hoped that Rioto would take notice of her hunger and call a snack break. She nudged the little joy, she didn't wish to disobey her leader. Hopefully Ayx would understand not to eat just yet.

OOC.. that might'a been a bit of powerplay, and is, of course, assuming ya'll came in here too.

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Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

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Date Posted: 11:24:41 08/24/02 Sat

» muliebral emerges from the dense jungle into the less crouded clearing. glancing about she spots the small gathering of equines, but doesn't approach. instead, she observes silently, watching them out of curiosity. «

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Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

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Date Posted: 17:53:21 08/21/02 Wed

» travelling once again, she had long since left the Unpainted Realm. with a steady trot, she had been through a number of regions before reaching this one. halting, sides heaving evenly, the need for water and good food takes over her, her stomach cramping. she quickly spots a cool spring, and not bothering to observe her surroundings yet, makes her way to it and ducks maw into sparkling clearness. drinking deeply, she rises, water dripping from muzzle and chin whiskers. looking about, she spots a few others, but sees no threat in them. minding her own business, she grazes contentedly for an hour or two, relaxing.

finishing her meal, hunger and thirst no longer blinding her senses, she suddenly becomes very aware of a presence. though not quite near, she could sense it strongly, and the hair down her spine and her mane rise and prickle. lobes swiveling back against cranium, eyes dart about nervously. in a matter of minutes, she finds herself staring into what seems to be the center of the jungle, though she doesn't know it to be the center. the darkness of the interior reaches out to her, and she relishes in the feeling of something else evil nearby. a sinister grin appears on her face, an urge taking over her body. pistons lift mechanically and she approaches the interior of the jungle, propelled by instinct and the lust for darkness. «

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Subject: -*-Wary-*-

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Date Posted: 18:11:48 08/19/02 Mon

-*-Entering at a canter he soon slows right down, instincts telling him not to be to loud in this place. His mane prickles with warning... and yet he decides if necessary this rich territory might be an asset. Whickering lowly, he stamps a foot and lays his claim, for now anyway.-*-

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