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Subject: } spirit.of.the.cat {

Ayx Kota
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Date Posted: 18:43:33 08/21/02 Wed
In reply to: Tigress 's message, "the lure" on 17:40:34 08/21/02 Wed

} roan filla gazes after her mother, a strange prickling coming over her and spreading over her flesh like water over a duck's feathers. taking a step toward her as if to follow, she squeals and whirls, sprinting toward Rioto, the unknown fear overwhelming her. {

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: cautious

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Date Posted: 20:42:17 08/21/02 Wed

Raven stallion gazed forth towards the luring light, sensing nothing, but taking no chances. He nikers to Tigeress to be careful, and watches, tense, ready to spring at any given moment. He whickers comfortingly to Ayx and nuzzles her. Mahogany orbs never leave Tigeress.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: cautious

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Date Posted: 22:57:42 08/23/02 Fri

Tigress returns the way she came, a bit sweaty, though unharmed. The sight of beloved Ayx Kota and Rioto fill her to overflowing with joy and relief. She nickers a greeting to them and approaches slowly. The black velvet bag is draped around the neck of the filly, along with a loving nuzzle and another to Rioto. Her eyes have calmed a great deal but are still with a hint of wildness. Breath is blown heavily through dilated nostrils, and she looks at the two of them without speaking. It was an awkward moment, but still she rejoiced.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: } spirit.of.the.cat {

Ayx Kota
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Date Posted: 12:20:56 08/24/02 Sat

} nickering happily, she pushes her head into her mother's shoulder, overjoyed to have her beside her. glancing down at the velvet pouch that hung about her neck, she cocks her head to the side, wondering what such an atrocity might be. curling her neck, she prods at it with the tip of her tiny muzzle. finding it to be soft and fuzzy, her curiosity grows, and she shakes her head, tossing it up. when it doesn't remove itself from around her neck, she snorts, 'brow' furrowing. she looks back down at it again, but leaves it at that, and doesn't take any more notice of it for the time being since it isn't posing any threat to her. {

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: relief

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Date Posted: 14:18:14 08/24/02 Sat

Raven stallion sighs, happy that she returned unharmed. He notices her slight bit of wildness and heafy breathing. He steps towards her and nuzzles her, "What did you see?" He asks.

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