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Subject: Quotes: Kerry and Edwards They Each Say the other Sucks

Not a Demohomocrate Hate America first Liberal
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Date Posted: 23:17:28 07/06/04 Tue

Quotes: Kerry and Edwards They Each Say the other Sucks

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Senators John Kerry (search) and John Edwards (search) may be running together on the same presidential ticket, but during the primaries they campaigned against each other, often making less than friendly comments.
Edwards said Kerry's policies would run the country "deeper and deeper into deficit,” and said of Kerry, “This is the same old Washington talk that people have been listening to for decades.”
Kerry on Edwards
Jan. 2004: "When I came home from Vietnam in 1969, I don't know if John Edwards was out of diapers then yet or not, I'm totally not sure. I don't know."
Feb. 22, 2004: In response to whether he and Edwards agreed on the issue of Iraq, Kerry said: “Well, I think he would like it to be that way, but I think I have 35 years of experience in international security, foreign policy and military affairs, and I think that makes an enormous difference here. I think that the world is looking for leadership that is tested and sure. And I think that George Bush has proven that this is not a time for inexperience in the White House.
Feb. 27, 2004: When asked about Edwards’ views on trade, Kerry said: "Well, I am surprised, because in his major speech on the economy in Georgetown this past June, John [Edwards] never even mentioned trade. And the fact is that … he is quoted as saying to The New York Times that he thought NAFTA was important for our prosperity. Now he's claiming that he was against it and these other agreements."
Edwards on Kerry
Jan. 2004: When asked on NBC's "Today" show whether he'd run as a vice presidential candidate, he ruled it out. "No. No. Final. I don't want to be vice president. I'm running for president."
Feb. 29, 2004: In a debate, Edwards dismissed suggestions that he is quietly vying to be Kerry's running mate. "Oh, no. Oh, no, no. Far from it.”
Edwards said Kerry's policies would run the country "deeper and deeper into deficit,” and said of Kerry, “This is the same old Washington talk that people have been listening to for decades.”
The AP reported that Edwards said Kerry had not been clear on the war. "I think he's said some different things at different points in time … So I think there's been some inconsistency."
Feb. 3, 2004: “Senator Kerry and I have very different positions on the issue of trade … If we want real change in Washington, we need someone who hasn’t been there for 15-20 years.”
Sources:The Denver Post.com, NewsMax Wires, ABCNews.com, PBS.org

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