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Subject: .:never challenge the unbeatable:.

Silver Fang
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Date Posted: 11:23:42 01/04/03 Sat

-She feels the coldness of the voice chill her blood but still presses on, lifting her paws high to keep them from getting tangled in the weeds and vines. She puts her nose close to the ground, sniffing about for a sign of another animal here. With her head close to the ground, she spots something shining in the underbrush. Coming closer, she sees it's a four pointed star. She takes it in her maw and pulls on it, disentangling it from the weeds. She puts the chain around her neck and the star disapears from sight. She returns back to the path she was following and puts her nose on the ground again-

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[> Subject: .:never challenge the unbeatable:.

Silver Fang
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Date Posted: 16:16:49 01/07/03 Tue

-Her auds perk up and pivot to the sound of a horse whinying in pain. Her head shoots up and she fearfully looks around her. She turns and runs in the opposit direction until she sees a speck of light in the distance. She run fast and out of the middle of the forest-

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