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Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

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Date Posted: 19:03:39 08/21/02 Wed

» ashen fatale ingresses confidently into the depths of the jungle. the silence fills her, the only sound the beating of her heart in her ears and the steps she takes, bringing her father into the darkness. orbs gleaming, twin peaks prick forward, nares flaring. suddenly she halts, as if she had reached an invisable border. peering into the pitch blackness, she stands, frozen in place. she keeps in mind that she can protect herself to an extent, and so steps forward. upon moving forward a few paces, she is suddenly ensnared by a coldness that surrounds her heart. and yet, she can feel it quenching something inside of her.. satisfying her ever-increasing lust for the darkness that her blood craves. her grin becomes ecstatic and crazed, and a ring of white rims her eyes. spotting two glittering objects through the darkness, she approaches to discover what they are. «

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[> Subject: touch

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Date Posted: 01:14:09 08/22/02 Thu

The little mare breathes shallow, short breaths and listens to the footsteps. Chills rush up her legs and along her back, but don't be silly--there's no demons here. She forces out a weak nicker of greeting, as if to prove her point.

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[> [> Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

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Date Posted: 20:13:54 08/22/02 Thu

» startled, she lurches away from the mare, not expecting her to have made any recognition of her entrance. lobes pin back but she calms herself quickly and regains her stature. slightly larger than the other in form, she sees no threat, and so proceeds to approach the glimmering objects in the midst of the darkness. «

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[> [> [> Subject: hmm

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Date Posted: 14:19:40 08/23/02 Fri

Just another ... mare. Another malicious mare. The smaller one looks at her new 'friend' with a spiteful look, and a questioning gaze follows the one of the Solstice mare. It rests upon the shimmering piece of ground, which makes her heart jump as she remembers things that were forgotten when an odd sort of mood took over. She lifted her head and stood still and erect, her sight and thoughts were jumping from Solstice to the glitters.

She broke into a little jog, passing Solstice's slow and cautious walking. She also passed the stone, and watched it as she went past. In a deer-like springy maneuver, she jogged in place to turn back around and face Solstice, having now set the treasure in-between them. She was pleased with herself, having shown off so well, and now desired to present her new gift to Ayx Kota.

The strange out-of-character feelings were still flooding over her, and one minute she felt like a little foal, while the next she felt as if her whole life had just passed away.

Tigress stepped towards the soulcatcher, lowering her head slowly, then with a swift violent motion she snatches up the black velvet pouch and jumps back madly. Blowing through her nostrils she dances in place and, with the pouch still in the clutches of her teeth, she swerves off the path and into tangled underbrush. With struggling efforts to move forward she jumps around, going a ways before finding the path again and struggling to it with great relief. Then she sets off for Rioto and Ayx Kota, hoping she hadn't entered a hoax of a terrain that would keep her wandering forever and ever, all alone.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: hmm

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Date Posted: 14:23:03 08/23/02 Fri

She left the diamond, she just took the pouch. >.<

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[> [> [> [> Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

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Date Posted: 18:05:18 08/23/02 Fri

» scoffing, she rolls her eyes as the other bounds off with the black pouch. snorting, she glances about, twin peaks erect, and darts toward the other glimmering object, snatching it up between velveteen lips. forcing her way through the tangled underbrush, she becomes curious about the other mare. deciding to follow, she pursues her out of childish mischieviousness. «

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[> Subject: *hunger*

The Danger
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Date Posted: 18:29:01 08/24/02 Sat

*The dark shape laughs silently in the darkness, a raving hunger building up inside it. Suddenly it snaps into shape, grabbing the second mare by the heart, squeezing the living muscle tight, killing, killing... slowly. Her blood fills with poison, to cause agony and a gradual, inevitable death to its first victim. A fitting demise for the thief of With Love, is it not? If murder had a voice, this would be it. And it echoes and hisses inside Solstice's mind, her mind only, tinted with insanity.*

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[> [> Subject: ooc

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Date Posted: 20:14:57 08/24/02 Sat

i do believe solstice has already vacated the area-she already left by the time you got here. besides, why do you only target her and pay no attention to the other mare? (rhetorical question)

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: ooc

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Date Posted: 20:50:29 08/25/02 Sun

>i do believe solstice has already vacated the area-she
>already left by the time you got here. besides, why do
>you only target her and pay no attention to the other
>mare? (rhetorical question)

Really not my beezwax, but maybe because she's been mangled twice by fate&destiny over on rahul jagged and raven pointe and doesn't seem to be aware of it?

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[> Subject: Peeved

Player of The Danger
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Date Posted: 12:40:52 09/01/02 Sun

Right. You're supposed to wait for a reply. I have been very ill the past week and now people are just marching in taking treasures as though The Danger just doesn't exist. Ok- The Danger works like Fate & Destiny: you have to wait for a reply before leaving. So either get Solstice back here, have her die wherever she is, or make me have to bother poor harrassed Chelle about it. And a rhetorical question is a question that doesn't have or require an answer, so I'm not sure that's what you meant, but I'm going to give you an answer anyway. The Danger didn't bother about Tigress because it didn't feel like it. It felt like killing Solstice. It is arbitrary. It does what it feel like, when it feels like it, for no fathomable reason. It may in fact decide to kill Tigress afterwards, or it may not.

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[> [> Subject: Decision

Player of The Danger
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Date Posted: 16:30:47 09/03/02 Tue

Fine then. I'll just contact Chelle. -does so-

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Decision

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Date Posted: 08:55:25 09/07/02 Sat

Nope, go to me. Chelle quit ownership of Creoto and handed it over to me. The new intro page is proof. Solstice, either get your sorry behind back here, or die wherever you are! I have authority to make you a ghost on the character page, so I'd hurry up wherever you are. Got it? Good. *stalks away to work on other stuff*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Yes

The Danger {Player thereof}
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Date Posted: 14:15:45 09/07/02 Sat

I did in fact realize that, and thank you, Lizai.

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