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Date Posted: 16:17:53 08/20/02 Tue
Author: Skajira
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Subject: -*-Surveying the Domain-*-
In reply to: Skajira 's message, "-*-I Claim the Throne-*-" on 12:10:19 08/20/02 Tue

-*-The felequine black jaguar stands, stretching elegantly, unsheathing his white claws briefly before returning to a relaxed stance. He gazes around his new kingdom, taking in all the scents and sounds. High above him the ceiling is out of sight, cloaked in shadow, and beneath him the black marble floor gleams in the fairly meager light of several huge black, dribbly candles.

Also illuminated is the throne itself, which, made not for humans but for equines and other four-legged beasts, is set at floor level, of simple black marble like the floor but cushioned with black velvet where the 'seat' is, and large enough to hold a reclining or standing equine. On either side stand two horse-height candles in the shape of black felines sitting to attention; but as you watch them, the candles never actually burn away or drip, the flame simply dancing there eternally regardless. And the way the eyes of those proud cats gleam in the flickering light.... Truly the throne of a Devil.

As to the size of the room.... well, the eerie lighting gives little clue, only that it seems to extend almost forever, the ceiling reaching up into dark infinity. But as soon as the thought enters your mind, as soon as you wish to, the heavy, forbidding doors to the Torture Chamber and Demon's Quarters loom before you, seemingly out of nothing.

And this is how the Devil's Throne Room looks... at least in Skajira's eyes.-*-

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