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Date Posted: 12:24:24 08/25/02 Sun
Author: solstice
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Subject: » .when.the.sun.is.away.the.darkness.shall.stay. «

» upon ingression of pale banshee, a beacon of blinding light illuminates the throneroom, from every shadowy corner to the heights of the ceiling. the burst of radiance is accompanied by a deafening chorus of unholy melody, and then all is silent and dark once again. the flickering flames of the twin cats dance on the ashen coat of a mare, casting light over the form of approaching vix. nails resound against the charcoal floors, hock kisser raping haunches. as pistons come to a sharp halt in the supposed center of the hollow court, pinpoint pupils dart across the surfaces of burning irises. ooids glitter, hollow pools of malice and an evil undescribable, a darkness suppressed merely by the glistening physical body of valkyrie. blackened aura radiates from her, her true nature seen brilliantly in this forsaken place of torture and torment. now glimmering orbs fall upon the figure of coal feline, but she knows of his many forms.. can see through each of them. a sinister grin spreads like a plague across velveteen labrums and the first words spoken from them in the land of Creoto are emitted, directed to only his ears. «

i am solstice, and i have come seeking the solution for a yearning satisfied only by being here, in this land of pain and anguish. i have found it by coming, and i ask if i may stay. whether i be here to aid you in your rule or merely to sustain myself, i really care not.. but it would be quite interesting if we were to assist each other..

» onyx nail comes forward to scrape the floor, scarring it. lanterns meet other's as she awaits his reply. glancing toward the Headquarters, she snorts harshly. «

you may find it beneficial to rid the Headquarters of an intruder, if you haven't sensed him yet..

» intense gaze is returned to his and twin peaks swivel forward to better hear his response. «

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