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Date Posted: 18:33:05 06/11/04 Fri
Author: Join Us Today
Subject: America's Miss Tourism Pageant might be just right for you, Semi Glitz

America's Miss Tourism Pageant would like to welcome you to our family! The America's Miss Tourism State title holders are already enjoying an array of personal appearances. Once you decide to become a state title holder, not only do you get an awesome state crown, rhinestone sash, but your entry to the National program as well!!! Picture the possibilities of you, representing your state. With your state title you have a voice, you can make a differnce. The America's Miss Tourism program gives you an opportunity to learn more about your state, while enjoying the perks of appearing in many different events in your state. Would you like to make a difference, would you like to get something out of your title, if so request information today. Join the 65 delegates who are doing just that!!!

Join the fabulous group of leaders we have as state title holders, and make a difference in your communities, your state and possibly your country!!!

If you have already filled in the e-form and have not heard from us, please fill it in again be sure to check your e-mail address before you hit submit.We receive a ton of eforms without the email.
There are still state titles available for Baby 0-35mo, Mini Miss 3-4, Tiny Miss 5-7, Little Miss 8-10, Jr. Teen 11-13, Teen 14-17, Miss 18-27, Mrs. 20-40, Ms. 20-40, Classic Ms. 41-up and Plus size Miss and Ms. be sure to check the site on the current queens page to see if your state title is available!!!

America's Miss Tourism Mailing List

Your name:

Your State:

Your age as of November 19, 2004:

Enter your Email Address:

You will receive an official entry
form via e-mail

Nationals at the Holiday Inn Convention Center at Eastgate, outside of Cincinnati, November 19, 20 & 21, 2004

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