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Date Posted: 08:34:57 07/30/04 Fri
Author: National Director

I have had so many questions about the judges instructions and what the judges are looking for, so for the convenience of the parents I have posted the judges instructions on the website. Just go to www.sunshineproductionsevents.com and click on the page that reads "Judges Instructions".

I invite each of you to the Miss & Master Sunshine America Beauty and Talent National Finals. This all natural beauty pageant is for girls between the ages of 0-16 years old and boys between the ages of 0-6 years old.

I want to remind each of you that it is not too late to qualify for the national finals to be held on September 25th and 26th in Nashville, Tennessee. The deadline is Septemer 10th to be in the program book.

I guarantee each of the parents and contestants a fun filled weekend with a tremendous amount of cash and awards. Every child is precious and no one will go home empty handed.

Remember to sign the guest book for a drawing of three FREE door overalls of your choice. The drawing will be held on August 15th.

Also, remember to send in your $150 registration fee to be entered in a drawing for a free hotel night at the national finals.

You may paypal to sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com. Please include your child's name and age division.

It is a great honor to be part of the Sunshine Family and I hope to see you at the National Finals!

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