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Date Posted: 21:16:16 11/01/02 Fri
Author: Quest for the Crown Pageant Coaching by Georgie Borchardt
Subject: Experienced Professional Childrens Pageant Coach

Hi All!

Georgie Borchardt here -- Quest for the Crown Professional Pageant Coaching! Just a quick note to let you all know I've decided to expand in the Children's Coaching -- my website and advertising materials up to this point have focused on Teens, Miss, Ms., and Mrs. contestants -- but I've discovered that there are VERY few children's coaches here, in the Central Illinois area! I'm in Springfield, which is about 3 1/2 hours from Chicago, 2 hours from Indianapolis, 1 1/2 hours from St. Louis; and about 2 hours from the Quad Cities!

The information listed on my website -- particularly the testimonials and "success stories" -- feature the "older girls" -- but I am just as qualified to assist children's and their parents.

Not only have I judged, literally, dozens of children's programs including:
Dream Girls USA Nationals (Springfield, IL), Mid-America Mini-Nationals (Memphis, TN), Miss and Master Nationals (Jackson, MS), Sunburst Local Preliminaries in both Illinois and Arkansas, Universal Miss Local and Regional Preliminaries in New Mexico, Cinderella Local Preliminaries in New Mexico, and numerous "independent" local and regional pageants, in Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Louisiana...

... but I was also assistant director of the Little Miss Jonesboro Pageant, a consultant in a children's pageant shop, worked with a children's pageant dress designer, a studio assistant with two different commercial photographers who specialized in pageant photographs, and...

... have coached a number of children ranging in age from 3 years old to 13 years old who were competing in a variety of pageants -- everything for small, independent local programs to the Sunburst Nationals.

So if you have children and may be looking for an experienced, professional pageant coach, I hope you'll please consider visiting with me before making your decision! Thank you for your consideration.

Mommy, I REAALY want to work with that nice lady, Miss Georgie,
so I can do better the next time I compeeT in a Pagent! OK, Mommy. PleaZe!

Georgie Borchardt
Quest for the Crown Pageant Coaching
Springfield, Illinois
E-Mail: PageantCoaching@aol.com; Phone: 217-525-9950

Website is in the process of being updated to include children's coaching information.

Rates: 1/2 hour $20.00 (Suggested for younger children); 1 hour $30.00
E-mail and phone coaching also available 1/2 hour minimum $15.00; 1 hour $20.00

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