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Subject: Ranings in the CIAU

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Date Posted: 10:07:24 10/10/01 Wed
Author Host/IP: skytrooper.ccs.yorku.ca/

I found this on another message board... it is a simulation of CI's with every teams top 5 performers compared via Mercier tables... not very accurate but at least it gives us an idea of where our guys team stands... they didn't do anything yet for the womens side...

1. GUE 3 4 6 10 20 43
2. WIN 2 7 9 14 25 57
3. UVIC 1 11 12 24 37 85
4. Sher 17 26 27 32 39 141
5. ALB 13 22 36 42 46 159
6. WAT 8 31 33 49 52 173
7. Sask 5 18 45 55 80 203
8. TOR 19 40 44 56 73 232
9. MUN 15 23 54 105 110 307
10. McM 21 57 68 82 88 316
McG 34 53 64 85 86 322
Man 30 43 62 95 96 326
WES 38 51 76 78 91 334
Dal 58 61 63 70 84 336
SFX 16 47 72 94 109 338
QUE 28 69 71 92 97 357
OTT 50 74 79 81 83 367
CAL 35 48 90 101 103 377
Lav 41 59 93 98 100 391
UNB 65 66 75 87 112 405
YOR 67 68 104 106 108 453
UQTR 29 102 113 114 115 473
SMU 77 89 99 107 111 483

Take what you want from it... the full message is on the TNFNorth.com message board unde CIAU Cross Country Heading

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