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Date Posted: 12:53:17 11/07/02 Thu
Author: Extra hyper Ali/ Co-Owner :-P
Subject: SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!
In reply to: Owner 's message, "CONDUCTING RANDOM SURVEY" on 14:19:51 11/04/02 Mon

Please respond with any suggestions for new rules, new
boards, and what not.

Well, I was thinking there could be like caves, we talked about this before, you know. and also, i gots an idea. There could be like the cave things, and then, in them it could be like a place with like traps and momnsters, and there are like...one or two peolle runnign it. And...OH!! yea, like there could be two *characters* Running it, not nessicarily people, and they could control the monsters and everything, and be like, brothors or sisiters, or one guy and one girl. and they could be humans or uni-corns or Anything. And they run this place, and it could be a test, that all new people could take, and everyone should, ((exept Tess and Midnight, and any colts still with their dam and sire)) then like, in the center there could be two chambers, one open, that one filled with riches. But the other one could be the always changing chaber, which changes every day. One day it could be a quick way out, one day a lion, one day a secret land that only they and their fam can get to, or more ritches than the othor chamner, and one day ur death. and if they make it back, they can choose either the door, or take all the gold they can, and try to find their way out. If they make it out, they make it out, if not....well, we can tell what happens.

I really hoped you liked this idea as much as me, sry if things are spelled wrong ect, but I was SO EXITED about this, that I had to get it all down!! Ok, bye!!

~Ali who ran out of energy typing~ :-)

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