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Date Posted: 15:03:28 11/12/02 Tue
Author: Sun's Fury
Subject: Daughter of the Sun
In reply to: Trance 's message, "^^ Crytalized fire^^" on 04:19:22 11/11/02 Mon

She locked eyes with him also, feeling slightly mesmerized as she gazed into those depths...she was glad when he broke the spell and looked away. This had certainly never happened to her before. At his question, she fought her flaring temper -- the words 'How dare you' threatened to come from her mouth as second nature, but she choked them back. She held her voice level as she spoke...for some reason, the mare didn't mind his inquiries as much as those of others. Smiling slightly, she replied. "I love the desert. It was there that I was born and raised, for I am a true Arabian." She snorted "I have come to this paradise, if it is indeed a paradise, because the stuck-up queen of the hot and dry kingdom in which I lived, believed I was a threat. And who knows, perhaps I was!" That smile took on a cynical look as she continued. "She forced me to leave. I wanted, of course, to fight, but I cannot take on the royal army by myself. So, I am here because I was exiled. I have been traveling long, and simply came across this place by chance." Her eyes smoldered with the memories of her humilation, but she resisted the urge to take it out on the stallion before her. Strangely, she found it harder to be angry with him. "And why are you here, Trance?" She felt a sudden gush of a new emotion shoot through her as she gazed at him...what was going on?

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