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Date Posted: 14:13:36 11/17/02 Sun
Author: Canectuss
Subject: *****Enters the Land*****

Strong hooves hit 'pon the ground o' this fair land, and a sleek snow white colored pelt shimmers in the moon light o' the nigh'. At the waist o' this creature, pelt o' pristine hue ended, replaced by a human torso. Taned olive skin covers a masculine chest, and is free o' any mark. The eyes o' the centaur are the very hue o' a newly picked violet, and tousled platnium blonde hair frames a strong face, ending at 'is waist. The same hue o' hair hangs 'or the backside o' the creature, silken looking threads flipping slightly away from his hind legs at the end. Srong legs prance in place, 'nd 'is arm reaches past its shoulder, and shifts he strap o' 'is quiver. A bow lays 'cross his back, slung 'or the other shoulder. Around 'is muscular waist hangs a belt o' silver, and on it hangeth a sheeth. In side it, stays a sword o' great value, and only those o' great skill can use it. Violet ocoli scan land with great interest, and 'e wonders what else might be in the land.
Alis: Canectuss (ka-neck-tuss)
hue:Pure white pelt, violet eyes, platnium blonde hair, smoke grey hooves.
position wanted:Warrior

Close your eyes, and see me....

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