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Date Posted: 14:40:05 01/01/03 Wed
Author: Posted by: Phil
Subject: LOTT chapter two (by Shelly)

Chapter two
Brogo walked into the clearing near the bank still turning the thing over in his paws. He looked around for Log-a-Log. He spotted him near a mended Logboat talking to Handilf, who was dramatically relaying what he had seen. As the young shrew approached, Log-a-Log looked up with a worried expression on his face.
"Ahh, Brogo, Handilf was just saying that you have something important to show me." Brogo looked down at the thing in his paws turning it over and admiring the ruby.
"Well yes", he replied in a dreamy voice "I found it in the dirt when Friggle threw it at me.." His voice trailed off as he remembered his grim defeat.
"Well hurry up and show him chap, wot!" said Handilf impatiently his ears pointing at the thing that Brogo held. Brogo reluctantly handed the thing to Log-a-Log. Log-a-Log turned the thing over and over in his paws.
"well I never" he mumbled his expression growing more and more troubled, "Handilf, can you make a fire please?" at this statement the hare went tearing around, collecting wood for the fire. As the hare flicked the flint to get a flame Brogo was becoming more confused. Not only did he have no idea what the fire was for but a strange yearning had been welling up inside him. Ever since he had handed the thing to Log-a-Log he felt he needed it back. He wanted to take it back, to hold it again and see the ruby.
"There you go ole chap" Brogo’s thoughts were interrupted by the hare "By the way, you wouldn’t have some vittles on you would you??" The Log-a-Log gave the hare an apple in thanks.
"wh-What are you going to do?" Asked Brogo, a bit worried.
"Lets say a test" Log-a-Log replied as he threw the thing into the flame. Brogo let out a gasp, he then felt the anger swell inside him.
"What did you do that for" he shouted.
"don’t worry young shrew. It’s quite alright" Log-a-Log said calmly as he hooked the thing on a stick "here it’s quite cool" Brogo took the thing and studied it.
"Do you see anything. Anything appearing" asked Handilf encouragingly. Brogo turned the thing over and over. "Er no, wait, yes on the inside some sort of markings" Brogo explained
"Read it. What does it say??" Handilf urged
" I-I don’t know. I can’t read" Brogo replied "and plus it’s in some kind of runes" he added.
"Oh, yes, sorry" said the hare awkwardly " my mistake. It’s Badger rune. No one knows what it says" he look to Log-a-Log "I told you though didn’t I??"
Brogo looked from the shrew to the hare " Could somebeast please explain what this is" Log-a-Log sighed, "You tell him Handilf. You know more" Before anymore was said Handilf lurched into a dramatic and detailed explanation, containing the 9, 7, 3 and 1 things " and that , you are holding is the 1 thing" the hare explained " it is said that a pure spirit can turned into a badger if it’s put on, wot wot." The hare stopped and looked at Brogo.
Brogo looked shocked and excited all in one. "I thought that was all a myth made up to scare Dibbuns"
Log-a-Log looked at the young shrew seriously, "You do realize that you are putting yourself and the whole Guosim in danger don’t you? I’m afraid but you are going to have to leave the Guosim and travel to the Abbey called Redwall. There you can get help"
"I understand and accept" Brogo said solemly.
"Shh" Handilf interrupted. He slowly reached for the apple core the he had discarded beside him and hurled it with deadly accuracy into a nearby tree. The shrews heard a thump, then an "Ouch" as something fell out of the tree. Handilf leapt up triumphantly and bounded over to the bush where it had fallen.
"Well, well, well" tutted the hare "What have we got here??" the hare bent over and pulled out a struggling shrew "If it isn’t Hamflies Bangee. You weren’t eavesdropping now, were you, wot??" The hare accused as he dragged the guilty looking shrew over to the fire.
"I wasn’t no eavesdropping sir, honest" Hamflies insisted lamely "Just, over heard. Yeah that’s right I just overheard"
"And what exactly did you, overhear??" Log-a-Log implied.
The shrew hesitated before replying "Oh, just a bit about a thing and a great war and a Abbey and something about Brogo going away. Nothing important"
"What are we going to do with him Log-a-Log? Hang him from a tree with no supper?" Handilf asked. The poor shrew in Handilfs grip squeaked with fright,
"oh don’t let him hurt me mister log-a-Log sir. I won’t tell anybody"
"I’m sure you won’t Ham, but I will still have to punish you.’ A smile came to the shrews face. ‘I know. You will go on the journey with Brogo as his companion. You will do everything he says.’ The young shrew nodded in acceptance. ‘That’s settled it. Brogo, you and Ham will start your journey tomorrow at dawn.’
‘What about Handilf?’ Brogo asked.
‘I have to warn Saruhare about this find. I will catch up to you at Fort Tussock’ the hare explained. ‘Go with speed Brogo.’ With these words, Handilf took off at top hare speed.
‘It’s just you and me Ham’ Brogo stated.

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