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Subject: Collection For Sale

Lori Roth
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Date Posted: 09:41:05 11/19/02 Tue

1:24 Todd Bodine Orange Tabasco car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Todd Bodine Black Tabasco car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Todd Bodine Green Tabasoc car in box - $20 shipped
Todd Bodine Tabasco hauler - $15 shipped
Todd Bodine set of 2 Tabasco helmets - $15 shipped
1:24 Bobby Hamilton Kodak Advantix car - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Kelloggs car in box - $20 shipped
1/4 scale Terry Labonte Iron Man II helmet - $10 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte K-Sentials car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Blasted Froot Loops car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte 2000 Kelloggs car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Rice Krispies Treats car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Corny car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Platinum car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Kelloggs Special car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Cherry Berry Swirl car in box - $20 shipped
1:24 Terry Labonte Iron Man car in box - $20 shipped
Terry Labonte Corny Hauler in box - $15 shipped
Terry Labonte Corn Flakes hauler in box - $15 shipped
1:24 Ricky Craven Louie The Lizard car no box - $20 shipped
1:24 Johnny Benson Cheerios car no box - $20 shipped
Johnny Benson Cheerios hauler in box - $15 shipped
1:24 Bill Elliott Mac Tonight car no box - $20 shipped
Bill Elliott Mac Tonight hauler - $15 shipped
Bill Elliott Mac Tonight helmet in box - $10 shipped
1:24 Ernie Ervan M&Ms car no box - $20 shipped
Adam Petty Sprint hauler in box - $25 shipped

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