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Subject: Re: PDF Lite Pack

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Date Posted: 10:04:12 04/27/06 Thu
In reply to: RTT 's message, "Re: PDF Lite Pack" on 15:29:46 04/23/06 Sun

>>I just exported the PDF Lite to add to my cd I am
>>working on. However it seems to only display the
>>folder I last worked on, I think. I have many folders
>>& sub-folders to what I am working on. Is there some
>>reason, it only displays the last sub-sub-sub-folder I
>>was reviewing last?
>I leave here a little example of PDFE Lite use
Gulp, but are my 32000 files!
Best regards RTT :-))

>Let say you want to create the Lite pack of your 32000
>files collection.
> 1. Create the CD/DVD ROM image and burn it leaving
>the session open, or use some virtual drive to emulate
>the real one from the image.
> 2. Catalogue the CD/DVD you have created using the
>PDFE DiskTree scan mode as usual you do and index all
>the words, if needed.
> 3. Now if you want to include all the 32000 files
>from the ROM disk just run the File>Create PDFE Lite
>pack tool and in "Files to include" select DBDisk and
>the respective Disk from the available.
> 4. Select all the interface translations and help
>files you want to include in the pack.
> 5. Select the restrictions, if you want some.
> 6. Now click the create button, select or create a
>empty folder (obviously in your hard RW disk, not the
>ROM disk).
>If everything go right you have now a folder with all
>the files and folders you need to add to the CD/DVD
>image to get PDFE running in lite mode.
>Just include all these files in the Image, there's no
>need to place them in the CD root, any folder is
>If you have selected the Create removable media auto
>run file option you also have within the lite pack
>files one AUTORUN.INF file you need to place in the
>root of the CD. If you don't want to place the lite
>pack files in the root folder edit the autorun.inf
>file and change the paths to reflect the position of
>the pack in the CD.
>>I did export the lite pack in the root of the folder I
>>plan to burn to cd. Even when executing
>>PDFExplorer.exe it will not show me all the folders &
>>I might add I did use the Dos command to create a
>>Virtual Drive so I could only view what I created &
>>see all as if it was all on cdrom disk already.
>Do not forget that the files indexes included in the
>Lite Pack database are only the present in the
>ScanGrid if you select, in the FilesToInclude, the
>CurrentGridFiles option. To add all the indexes of the
>files of one disk dump that disk in the ScanGrid using
>DBDisk scan mode or select DBDisk option in the
>>Does the Lite Pack expire after 30 days?
>No. PDF Explorer running in Lite pack mode does not
>expire. You can burn you CD's and they will work until
>the CD substratum degrades :-)

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Re: PDF Lite PackRTT13:38:36 04/27/06 Thu

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