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Subject: Re: Added possibility to redirect disks root path to another path that can be a UNC, http, ftp..path

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Date Posted: 06:31:06 09/14/06 Thu
In reply to: camocamo 's message, "Added possibility to redirect disks root path to another path that can be a UNC, http, ftp,...path" on 05:14:20 09/14/06 Thu

>great feature, but where is it?

Database>Maintenance... Select the root of one indexed disk and you can edit that item in the same box where we edit the VirtualLabel of that disk

The RedirectPathTo inform PDFE to change the disk root to the path entered in this field so if we have a file with path

and that same file can be reached at address

we only need to redirect the root of disk C: to

and from now one PDFE try to access the file from http://www.somesite.com/files/pdfs/mytestfile.pdf whenever we use indirect scan modes, DBDiskTree, DBDISK and DBSearch, to fill the ScanGrid.

if we have a complex path in your local disk


with all these folders with pdf files

we need to also clone that same complex path on our site

And only need to enter
http://www.somesite.com/files as RedirectPathTo field.

Let say we have a CDROM filed with pdf's we want to place online. We index that CDROM in PDFE and now we only need to enter the http of ftp path we are going to use to access that CDROM from http or ftp in the RedirectPathTo field.
Now we can backup the database and restore the database in other computers were we are going to use the remote access or create a PDFE Lite running mode pack to distribute to all the customers that are going to use the access.

If you want to test just find pdfs in google and mimetise the path to these files in your local disk.

Search in google for: filetype:pdf standard for archiving

from the results you get this file path

Now you can place that file in the root of you disk or create folders.
If you create folders
C:\enterprise\pdfs the RedirectPathTo=www.adobe.com/
If you only create folder
C:\pdfs the RedirectPathTo=www.adobe.com/enterprise
if you place the file in the disk root
C:\ the RedirectPathTo=www.adobe.com/enterprise/pdfs

Place the file pdfarchiving.pdf in that folder (you can cheat PDFE and place there another file with same name), index it in PDFE and now fill the RedirectPathTo field.

Now if you try to access to that file form ScanGrid filed with IndirectScanModes the file is download from Adobe site ;-)

You can also use this feature to redirect the disk root to some UNC path to access files in a LAN Server from client computers. I have not tested this yet but the idea is the same.

Let me know if you have not understand something, and if you have suggestion to improve this functionality.... Right now is just a embrionary idea.

>By the way: thank you for all the good new features in
>your current release

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