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1. No bashing, I know it is hard, but try
at least ok? (bashing Lilah is ok, oops, did
I just say that? Ignore that will you?)
2. No spoilers without a spoiler warning.
3. Be NICE!!! This is the most important
and should be number one, but I just thought
about it so sue me.
4. Don't sue me.
5. Have fun, that's an order there.
6. All fics posted must have Fic: and
the number of parts it is such as
Fic: Blah(1/3)7. Rate your fics accordingly and write a
disclaimer in the heading.8. Cussin' is okies, and if you get
offended by a couple of naughty words, then
you need to grow up ok? Cause they are only
words, damn it.9. Give your forum mistress a weekly tithe
of naked Wesleys, Spikes, and Xanders
covered in gummi bears and delivered to my
bedchamber forthwith.10. {insert commandment here}
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