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Subject: Hiiiiiiiii

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 10:11:29pm

I was just clicking through all my favorited links, and I found myself here! So I thought I'd say hi. The year is 2008 by the way. (previous post I believe is from 2006)

Let's see... a quick sum-up:

at the moment--
*M&M just celebrated their 1-year anniversary
*Stacey's gettin' hitched in 3 days
*Joe is coming back from London/Berlin in 4 days
*Rachel is 10 pages away from finally graduating college

and for the time being--
*Eric is terrorizing junior highers and studying to be a pastor
*Bethany is trying to either flee the country or buy a house
*Sherelle & Luke are milking cows while Luke finishes school
*Kelsey's dating a guy named Seth I think? and lovin' her job at Wieden + Kennedy, aaaaaand
*Robby is, as far as I know, studying law at NYU and happily together with his girlfriend Christy!

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