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Date Posted: 01:04:12 08/11/07 Sat
Author: Bobby Cole (Gutted)
Subject: Re: reunion
In reply to: Mike Ross 's message, "Re: reunion" on 17:23:48 01/12/07 Fri

>Can't believe you guys are reuniting. That's awesome.
>Hope you can come to Ohio if you tour ?
>Is it pretty much the original members ? That would
>blow me away to see you guys perform together.

Just caught the band list for the upcoming Alaska State Fair, which is late August 2007, and noticed the band Steel Breeze to be playing. What!?? I gotta check this out! Checked into it and it's not the REAL Steel Breeze but one of those damn f*cking rip-off bands. Gutted I am--we'll be getting posers and imposters up here. Shite on a shingle.
BTW I wouldn't have even known about these fake S-B bands if I hadn't heard it recently on The Don and Mike radio show--which opened a show with ''You Don't Want Me Anymore'' and evolved into an entire four-hour show with people calling in, including one of the backup singers on that song, and educating Don and Mike about the band and the bloody impostors. Needless to say, when you combine callers from Sac-Town and Nevada (most of the calls that day) with pros like Don&Mike, hilarity ensues. And it was one of the funniest shows of the year.

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