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Date Posted: 12:24:38 10/03/11 Mon
Author: sean t (reno nv) (fun times)
Subject: Re: Rob,,"Rothchild" Bickford
In reply to: Janine 's message, "Rob,,"Rothchild" Bickford" on 14:33:20 03/03/05 Thu

> I have had the honor to see Mr. Bickford play with
>the STEEL BREEZE BAND. This man can play a Guitar as
>well as Stevie Ray,,,Rob is "RAW TALENT"..He and Bobby
>made a great team on stage. They were the Band. They
>were the showmen. The two of them together blew every
>audience away!.Watching Mr. Bickford play his guitar
>so sweet and fine was a pleasure. He played with
>ease,,,fire,,,,passion..While Bobby would sing with "A
>Voice Of An Angel" Bobbys voice and Mr. Bickfords
>guitar rocked STEEL BREEZE to the finest! I found them
>both to be Gentlemen and they were my friends. They
>always treated me with respect and kindness. To bash
>either of these men just boggles my mind. But then
>again...I was their friend. Not a "groupie" or one of
>their "girlfriends". I actullay stayed with Mr.
>Bickford at his home in Reno for a week. We stayed in
>different bedrooms and had fun just hanging
>out..watching movies and eating. I consider him one of
>my dearest friends. Thats excatly what we are and
>were...friends. Yes,,,A Man and a Woman CAN be
>friends.Bobby is a nice man and always was very
>respectful toward me. Why? Cuz he was/is a friend too.
>Bobbys voice is un real..I always wondered why these
>two fine talented men never made it to big venues.
>When Rob "left" the band..it just was not the same. He
>and Bobby were the perfect team together and made
>STEEL BREEZE just that! A Awesome band. The two of
>them made it a pleasure to hear and watch this band.
>On stage Rob was very in tune with his guitar and how
>he played. A joy to watch. Bobbys voice just blew
>doors off alot of artist who are "famous" I am writing
>this because it seems all messages on this board are
>"cutting" down Bobby and Rob. Again...It was a joy and
>pleasure to know these two talented men and have them
>as my friends. When Rob left,,,,the band changed so
>much. It did not have the same "vibe". Bobby and Rob
>together made this band what it is. Now Rob is gone
>and the band just is not the same. Rob and Bobby were
>a GREAT team and I was sorry to see Rob leave, cuz he
>and Bobby made that band rock and made the band what
>it is. I saw the band once after Rob left. Not the
>same talent or shows were as real and connected as it
>was with Bobby and Rob. I miss seeing Rob and Bobby on
>stage together and was sorry he had to leave this fine
>band. Its just not the same without Rob and Bobby
>together on stage.They had "it"!! Now STEEL BREEZE is
>just a band....not the Band they were before when Rob
>was in it. Those two fine men were the best together
>and made ya want to come back for more of STEEL
>BREEZE..I miss them both. Thank You Rob and Bobby for
>always giving a 110% on stage. You both are missed.
I always looked forwaqrd to seeing "The Boys" you could not help but have FUN wether it was Rod doing "gloria" or robbie riding thru the crowd on bobby's back or rob and bob "dueling" guitars a good time was had by all! what can you say about bobby's voice!? was even fortunate enough to see them in the recording studio on still warriors. WHAT A GREAT BUNCH OF GUYS! They were the bomb at Lilly's in tahoe for years. I am proud to call these guys friends! surprised any body would bad mouth them....

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