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Date Posted: 16:43:32 07/18/14 Fri
Author: Henry
Subject: Re: My Uncle is Ric Jacobs
In reply to: John L 's message, "Re: My Uncle is Ric Jacobs" on 20:04:18 08/12/05 Fri

I was in stationed at McClelland AFB inSacramento from 1980 to 1983. I had the pleasure of meeting your uncle Ric and we became very good friends. I saw Steel Breeze many times well before they made it on the radio. We would travel all over northern California and Reno to watch the guys. Ric, me and some other friends would also catch concerts at the old Arco arena. In fact I got to meet Huey Lewis through your Uncle on a couple of shows they played on the same bill. Years went by and I moved back East and the next time I saw Ric was in 1986, the Band was playing Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey. I remember going back stage after the show and thinking he would never remember me when out of nowhere I heard .. "HENRY!", and the next thing I know there came a great big hug from Ric. I have not seen or heard from him since but I have never forgotten him.

I do not know that he will remember me after 3 decades,and countless millions he has met since, but I have never forgotten those teen years. Ric was very down to earth and always treated me with kidness and respect. Even after making it big he remained steadfast and never changed.

Please give him my regards and if he is ever in Atlanta, GA have him e-mail me and I will send him my number. Something tells me if and when we see other again, great memories will come back... Thanks for posting and allowing me to reach out. Henry

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  • Re: My Uncle is Ric Jacobs -- brenda broughan (you played at my high school prom), 11:19:19 04/09/17 Sun
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