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Date Posted: 07:54:18 04/25/03 Fri
Author: Divinity
Subject: Not my fault

Hello. I would like to explain the recent off the wall message which falsely used my 'divy6' i.d. name as a return address. IT DEFINITELY WAS NOT ME.
It took me a couple days to get to the bottom of things but I finally figured out what happened. Long story short, a girl at my work who sits at the same cubicle as I do, after my shift, has been &*#$! with me. Funny thing is, she's supposed to have been my friend for 3 years-very disappointing. Honestly I assumed it was someone from the yahoo group I don't particularly get along with & did unjoin yesterday. One of my biggest clues was that someone got into my hotmail account & deleted a bunch of messages & Lord knows what else --I had a list of my various user names & passwords in my desk drawer.
Thanks for listening & I'm sorry for any attention this nonsense has taken away from the reason we all come here: in honor of Steel Breeze.
Thanks again & have a nice day. Keep on rockin'!

p.s. I realize I was brazen on a couple of other occasions & I do apologize. I have asked the administrator to remove any comments I have made that might be hurtful to other members. Thanks again for your understanding & I hope to put this behind me--I'm only human, although that's not much of an excuse!

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