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You enter the 4th corridor hallway in the South Tower, and see a wooden trapdoor at the end, with a plaque on it that says Runes. You open it, and descend the rope ladder that unfurls into the room below. There is a wooden floor, but the walls have peeling wallpaper with strange lettering and symbols written on them. There is an empty desk in the corner covered with checked papers and tests. However, in the back, dimly lit portion of the room, Professor Dosdin is sitting on a chair reading a book. He quickly stands, seeing you enter the room, and you sit at the table against a wall. He is very tall, has wild-looking brown hair, and a wise-looking face. He is a bit young, only about 30, but has knowledge far beyond his years. As class starts, he speaks. "Hello, students. I am Professor Emeril Dosdin, and through the course of this year, I will teach you all about ancient runes. Please take note, this is! a serious class, and you must be relatively calm to participate in most of the activities. I ask that you participate in all activities, and on the rare occasion that I give homework, that you do it. I understand you have busy lives, so I rarely assign homework. Take your seats, and your lesson will begin."

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