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Date Posted: 18:00:13 10/05/02 Sat
Author: Dosdin
Subject: Spirits at work..
In reply to: Harmonia 's message, "Re: Er..." on 21:50:27 09/28/02 Sat

ooc: lol, okay, i guess.. hey, whatever you find funny!

He rushes over, places his wand in between Harmonia's body's eyes. "Oh dear..." His wand grows hot, and he is thrown back from her and sits down hard. "Soo..." He says in a steely voice. " They think they'll get away with anything, do they?" He gets up. "Harmonia, stay away from Harmonia! Er, well. You know, stay away from your body." He circles the body. "It appears the spirit of someone has decided to take up residence in your body. Probably some unsavory ghost decided it would be nice to be alive again, be careful." He sprinkles salt all around her body - it is supposed to block off evil spirits - and points his wand at her. Something almost invisible, untangible flies out of his wand. "THere, Harmonia, you can get back into your body now." A dark grey cloud of smoke exits her body, and the clouds forms the shape of a skull with burning eyes. It glides over to Dosdin, laughs in an echoing gasp, then flies directly through his and out the door. A startled look passes his face, then his eyes close, he shudders, and faints cold onto the floor.

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