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Subject: Request for info for article: diversification

Amy Devine
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Date Posted: 09:13:41 08/01/07 Wed

Hi ladies,

I'm writing an article for IEEE's Women In Engineering newsletter. My focus is on how engineers stay diversified in their learning. I'm looking at two groups: college gals, and post-college gals. I would appreciate it if you could send me your thoughts on the following questions by September 1, 2007. You can either post to the newsgroup or email me at: adevine@gmail.com

In Sisterhood,
Amy Devine - Theta Chapter alumna

1. Do you make it a point to be familiar with technologies outside your major or job description? For example, do you attend lectures that are not in your major or subscribe to trade magazines outside your job description?

2. Why? (Please answer either way you responded to 1.)

3. How do you feel about being technology diversified? Has it been beneficial or detrimental to you?

4. How does your company feel about technology diversification? Do they encourage you? Provide paid time for training/learning? Or do they discourage you by piling on more work? Is learning equivalent to "sucking up" to the boss?

5. What actions do you take to learn or become familiar with different technologies?

6. If you could give advice to your recent graduate self, what would you say in regards to learning?

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Survey is now online!Amy Devine06:18:11 08/08/07 Wed

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