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Subject: 61 donations! Still chugging along!

Mary Anne Moore
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Date Posted: 16:51:06 10/28/07 Sun
In reply to: Mary Anne Moore 's message, "37 donations! Way to start off the campaign!" on 19:37:25 08/19/07 Sun

Goal: A $20 donation from 20% of A.O.E.'s Alumnae

The Foundation has already received 61 donations in response to the recent 20-20 campaign! With these donations, we are 32% towards our goal of 192 participating alumnae.

Thank you to those alumnae who have participated in the 20-20 campaign to date:

Sandra Aprahamran, Epsilon 2001
Andrea Ballatine, Iota 2001
Wendy Bayer, Delta 1994
Dawn Brook, Alpha 2000 ^Dawn is the Chairman of the Foundation.^
Angela Brunner, Alpha 1999
Cheryl Celebi, Gamma 1993 ^Former IEB Officer^
Toni Cherney, Delta 2003
Danielle Collins, Gamma 1996
Angela Cottle, Gamma 2000
Deborah Creek, Epsilon 2000
Jennifer Dandrea, Zeta 2005
Shannon Deaton, Gamma 1997
Patty Garness, Beta 1986
Elena Gentile, Xi 2006
Julie Godoy, Gamma 1995
Jennifer Goforth, Alpha 1995
Sarah Green, Gamma 1996
Jordan Hamann, Delta 2005
Lindsay Hassell, Pi 2005 ^Lindsay is the current IEB Vice President^
Jennifer Heard, Gamma 1999
Julie Heinrich, Beta 1991 ^Julie is a former Foundation Director and a former IEB/NEB President^
Susan Hoines, Beta 1987
Rachel Jennings, Pi 2004
Mary Jensen, Beta 1988
Holly Jones, Alpha 1993
Kari Karst, Beta 1986
Karen Kelley, Gamma 1996
Rose Ketchum, Iota 2001
Ashley King, Rho 2007
Brenda Konstanty, Beta 1984
Marie Kramer, Alpha 2003 ^Marie is the current IEB Secretary^
Lou Ann Lathrop, Alpha 1984 ^Former IEB Member^
Stacey Lee, Epsilon 2001 ^Foundation Director^
Nicole Linder, Gamma 2004
DeLynn Louth, Gamma 1995 ^Former Foundation Director^
Hilary Mallar, Zeta 2002
Dawn Marshall, Alpha 1992
Regidia Mayrena, Epsilon 2005
Jessica McElman, Alpha 1999 ^Jessica is the current IEB President^
Lauren McIlwain, Nu 2004
Amy McIntosh, Alpha 2003
Mary Anne Moore, Gamma 1992 ^Foundation Director and former IEB President^
Sherry Moore, Beta 1989
Cynde Murphy, Alpha 1992 ^Former Foundation Director^
Bridget O'Connell, Alpha 2003
Tracey Ortiz, Alpha 1993
Michelle Pearson, Beta 1994
Mary Rehfeldt, Alpha 1986
Kristin Rothe, Delta 1992
Jennifer Rowe, Gamma 2004 ^Jennifer is the current IEB Director of Expansion^
Jessica Roy, Zeta 1999 ^Jessica is the current IEB Alumnae Relations Officer^
Natalie Schneider, Alpha 2000
Christina Sears, Iota 2006
Deborah Sessoms, Gamma 1997
Jessica Smith, Sigma 2005
Michelle Tauchen, Delta 1998
Michelle Vondenkamp, Beta 1989 ^Michelle is a former Foundation Chairman and former IEB/NEB President^
Tiffany Walz, Beta 2003
Rachel Wielebski, Alpha 1998
Natasha Wolfe, Delta 2002 ^Natasha is the current IEB Treasurer^
Megan Zastawny, Alpha 1996

Other donations received:
Virginia & Arthur King (parents of Ashley King, Rho 2007)

So far, we have received donations from Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Zeta, Iota, Nu, Pi, and Rho chapters.

Remember to have your donations postmarked by September 30, 2007 to be eligible for the Alumnae Challenge contest. Encourage other alumnae from your chapter to donate to help your chapter win a Foundation grant.

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