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Subject: Penis enhancement, fitness boost, female and male sexual stimulation

Josiph Bishop
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Date Posted: 13:22:04 09/01/18 Sat

Please see further down for links to some interesting polls with many testamonials about things doctors and authorities do to children, teens and adults, often secretly from the public or even hided for the individuals with anesthesia.

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Learn about herbs to make sexual potency, ecstasy and pleasure for men and women and see smart sex products to enlarge and fortify erections, female functions, pleasure and orgasms





Advices and products that can enlarge the penis and help straighten out a twisted and bent penis, as by Peyronie's disease.


Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and inside yourself




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Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood. You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

If the links are not active, you can copy them and use them in the address line of your browser where they will work.
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:



All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex



About Meditation to reduce stress and improve mental abilities

By Knut Holt



Methods in Practical Use to Achieve a Bigger Penis

By Knut Holt


A fairly common wish by man is to get a larger penis, especially in the erect state, but sometimes also when flaccid. The objective for this can be a penis of less than normal size, causing physiological problems. The common length of an erect penis is from 12.9 to 15.0 cm (5.1 to 5.9 inches), which is shorter that commonly believed. Other times a man thinks he simply will feel more well with a bigger penis, which might be right or wrong. In either case there are many methods used to achieve the wanted result, but none of the methods are well investigated scientifically, so that the judgment of the methods must be based on personal reports from men having tried them.

A group of methods are based on a daily stretching of the penis in a long period. The mechanical forces thus exerted will stimulate the tissue to get thicker and more robust, which is a basic response from tissues in all body part when subjected to daily mechanical forces. By stretching with a right degree of force, microscopic cavities will also form in the tissues. These will be filled with new cells so that the tissue expands. When stretching the penis to expand it, one must balance the forces so that they are effective, but still not make symptomatic injuries.

One traditional penis stretch method is sitting with a weight hanging down from the penis in a cord for up to half an hour each day. Usually one uses an elastic ring or lock around the penis just under the penile head to fasten the cord. One can also find arrangements that pull the penis upward with a cord and some elastic mechanism fasted in a belt around the neck or the waist. Using a too heavy weight or pull, using a too tight ring around the penis, or stretching too long each time by these methods can however cause tissue injury or scars. Also the groin area will be stretched, and this can cause unwanted expansion of the tissue also there.

Also manual manipulations of the penis so that it gets stretched and the blood flow is stimulated has a long tradition. One popular method, called Jelqing or milking, is to massage the penis from the root to the tip with a certain well calculated force. By massaging with one hand and holding back with the other at the groin around the penile root, one avoids an unwanted stretch at the groin tissue. You can easily find manuals with specific instructions for penis massage with the purpose of making the penis larger and more effective. Based on personal reports, one must do these exercises consistently at least 20 minutes each day for several months to get visible enlargement results.

A too narrow foreskin can be treated by sidewise stretching at the foreskin tip some minutes daily during a period. One must use a certain force, but not so great that it injures the foreskin. The method works best when the foreskin tip is elastic and soft without indurations or scar tissue. The foreskin stretch can be a very effectively treatment of narrow foreskin, especially in younger boys and men.

A method to expand the penis in length and girth is the use of a penis pump up to half an hour each day in a period. This device is a vacuum pump connected to a cylinder that one places over the penis and with the opening of the cylinder tight against the groin. One makes a partial vacuum in the cylinder which will make the penis expand so that it is stretched to all sides. These devices are also used to gradually correct problems with penile shape such as twisting and curvatures. There is a danger for tissue injury and bleeding inside the penis if one uses a too high vacuum or uses the pump too long.

Use of penis pumps during 6 months to enlarge the penis in men with a penile length less than 10 CM has been investigated by one scientific study, which concluded that the method was not effective (by Kazem, Hosseini and Alizadeh). In spite of this 30% of the men in the study was satisfied with the results.The use of penis pumps to correct anatomical misconfiguration caused by Peyronie's disease was also investigated in a scientific study, which concluded that the method was effective for this purpose (by the Department of Urology at St Peter's Hospital). This study could also report a lengthening of the penis, even that this was not the objective of the treatment.

Another enhancement option that uses the stretching principle is the application of a so-called Penis Traction device. These are small and light mechanical devices to be mounted on the male organ and worn some hours each day in a period until the man gets satisfied with the result. The device grips under the penile head and it is also based on the groin around the penile root. The device exerts a gentle traction along the penile shaft with a spring mechanism. These devices are constructed so that they can be bent down or up and shielded under the clothes. By this method one can also straighten a penis that is twisted or bent, for example due to Peyronie's disease.

The forces used by this method is better controlled than by the use of weights or pumps, so there is little risk of damage caused by restricted blood circulation when used as recommended, and there is no danger of an unwanted stretching in the groin tissue.

By penis enhancement surgery, the ligament holding the penile base fixed to the groin area is cut, so that a part of the penis usually hidden under the scrotum gets free. This way the visible penis gets longer, but no penile tissue is actually added or expanded. One often also fills crushed fat tissue under the penile skin, which makes the penis thicker. After the surgery the penis appears to be moved to a place further down and it will get less stable. The fat stuffing can get irregular and it will reduce sensibility by shielding out mechanical stimulation.

For some men the problem with their penile size is actually a problem with inefficient erections so that the penis does not get well enough filled. In that case drugs to make the penis fill itself more completely during erections may help for the problem. For that purpose one can find pills, transdermal patches and ointments based on herbal ingredients to stimulate erections, or one can try pharmacological products to normalize the erectile potency.There was for some time a belief that penis pills also could get the penile tissue grow larger. Most, if not all, manufacturers have ceased to claim this as an effect.

Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.


Meditation is a group of mental training techniques. You can use meditation to improve mental health and capacities, to improve your motivation for your goals and also to help improve the physical health. Some of these techniques are very simple, so you can learn them from a book or an article; others require guidance by a qualified meditation teacher.


Most techniques called meditation include these components:

1. You sit or lie in a relaxed position.

2. You breathe regularly. You breathe in deep enough to get enough oxygen. When you breathe out, you relax your muscles so that your lungs are well emptied, but without straining.

3. You stop thinking about everyday problems and matters.

4. You concentrate your thoughts upon some sound, some word you repeat, some image, some abstract concept or some feeling. Your whole attention should be pointed at the object you have chosen to concentrate upon.

5. If some foreign thoughts creep in, you just stop this foreign thought, and go back to the object of meditation.

The different meditation techniques differ according to the degree of concentration, and how foreign thoughts are handled. By some techniques, the objective is to concentrate so intensely that no foreign thoughts occur at all.

In other techniques, the concentration is more relaxed so that foreign thoughts easily pop up. When these foreign thoughts are discovered, one stops these and goes back to the pure meditation in a relaxed manner. Thoughts coming up, will often be about things you have forgotten or suppressed, and allow you to rediscover hidden memory material. This rediscovery will have a psychotherapeutic effect.


Meditation has the following effects:

1. Meditation will give you rest and recreation.

2. You learn to relax.

3. You learn to concentrate better on problem solving.

4. Meditation often has a good effect upon the blood pressure.

5. Meditation has beneficial effects upon inner body processes, like circulation, respiration and digestion.

6. Regular meditation will have a psychotherapeutically effect.

7. Regular meditation will facilitate the immune system.

8. Meditation is usually pleasant.


Hypnosis may have some of the same relaxing and psychotherapeutic effects as meditation. However, when you meditate you are in control yourself; by hypnosis you let some other person or some mechanical device control you. Also hypnosis will not have a training effect upon the ability to concentrate.


Here is a simple form of meditation. By this meditation technique, you should concentrate in an easy manner. This will allow foreign thoughts to pop up. These are handled one by one as they appear. You proceed as follows:

1. Sit in a good chair in a comfortable position.

2. Relax all your muscles as well as you can.

3. Stop thinking about anything, or at least try not to think about anything.

4. Breath out, relaxing all the muscles in your breathing apparatus.

5. Repeat the following in 10 - 20 minutes:

-- Breath in so deep that you feel you get enough oxygen.
-- Breath out, relaxing your chest and diaphragm completely.
-- Every time you breathe out, think the word "one" or another simple word inside yourself. You should think the word in a prolonged manner, and so that you hear it inside you, but you should try to avoid using your mouth or voice.

6. If foreign thoughts come in, just stop these thoughts in a relaxed manner, and keep on concentrating upon the breathing and the word you repeat.

As you proceed through this meditation, you should feel steadily more relaxed in your mind and body, feel that you breathe steadily more effectively, and that the blood circulation throughout your body gets more efficient. You may also feel an increasing mental pleasure throughout the meditation.


As any kind of training, meditation may be exaggerated so that you get tired and worn out. Therefore you should not meditate so long or so concentrated that you feel tired or mentally emptied.

Meditation may sometimes give problems for people suffering from mental diseases, epilepsy, serious heart problems or neurological diseases. On the other hand, meditation may be of help in the treatment of these and other conditions.

People suffering from such conditions should check out what effects the different kinds of meditation have on their own kind of health problems, before beginning to practise meditation, and be cautious if they choose to begin to meditate. It may be wise to learn meditation from an experienced teacher, psychologist or health worker that use meditation as a treatment module for the actual disease.


Knut Holt is an IT consultant and marketer focusing on health items. -----TO FIND natural help against aging symptoms, acne, skin problems, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, heart problems, joint pain, over-weight and much more, PLEASE VISIT:----


----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.
By Knut Holt


In Norway the child protective system snaps away children from thousand of families each year. For each child taken, so-called experts of various kind gain massive profit.

Children taken are also used as guinea pigs in medical projects,and one steals tissues and organs from them them and some are used as sex slaves.

This system has industrial dimensions in Norway. In reality children is a commercial merchandise in Norway, and the money is taken from the tax-payers and from the income from the oil fields of Norway.

This mafia does not only snap Norwegian children, but also foreign children visiting Norway with their parents.

As pretense for snapping children, they use a very strict normality scheme that is twisted to suite each case, when they want a child.

Besides this, Norway is an accident-prone country in all means. Many children taken by this system afterwards are hit strange accidents, and then declared brain-dead and their organs are taken.

Never visit Norway with your children, and never send your child to Norway to participate in arrangements, like Norway Cup or the like.

Look at this BBC documentary


Girl. 7-13 yo, extensive internal inspections and reaction tests each year in boarding school

I am female. It happened in North America until around 2015 at the ages 7 years old, 8 years old , 9 years old, 10 years old, 11 year old, 12 years old, 13 years old. We would get letter in the mail indicating appointment in the next week.
My parents drove me to the exam at a special medical room in the school apart from the nurse office. All the girls in that age group were being examined.


I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. My stomach was cleaned out by a tube incerted into my anus that was connected to some pump and flush mashine. I was totally naked through all the procedures.

They placed me upon an advanced surgical table. I got IVstubes into blood vessels in an arm. I got electrodes on my cheast. I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a tube or sond in through my anus. I did not get any anesthesia apart fraom the IV. This table I was on could control the position of my arms, body and legs. It could put and hold me in many positions to get access to my body.


They used an ultrasound device or something similar to examin my upper body, my stomach my hip area and my genitals. They took x-ray pictures of my hip area.

They used electrodes to record functions inside my head at my chest and at my belly.


They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope and took specimens from my throut with a tube.

They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope and took specimens from my urethra and bladder with a tube.

They used a speculum in my vagina. They took specimens from my vagina with a tube. They inspected my vagina with a scope.

They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. They performed a full colonoscopy with a flexible scope.

They inspected me through my vagina with an ultrasound probe. They inspected me through my anus with an ultrasound probe.

The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.


Always there would be insertion and moving metal probes in my mouth, urethra vagina and anus. Instruments were also put on my clitoris. The probes would also vibrate, heat up cool down, change rate of moving in and out.

They often talked about sexual response. I know that as I matured the same procedures would give me more sexual excitement than when I was younger. As I got older I would have dozens of orgasms during the process.


I had IVs into blood vessels. I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay naked under a blanket after the exam. They would take pictures of my clitoris every 15 minutes. they would completely wash my body again.

I attended private boarding school. very rich.


The girls, and probably also boys in that school undervent a frequent standardized examination program that occurs at specific schools and communities all over the world.

But this program was supplemented by reaction tests of sexual sort. This is not the først time these tests have been described by experiencers, and also these seem to be standrdized worldwide.

Surveillance of the young population and research seem to be a main objective of the ordeal as well as a thorrough developmen and health check.

Knut Holt



Boy, late teens, USA, orthopedic surgery with probable intimate endoscopies too

I am male. It happened as as late teen 17-20, in USA, in 2010 or later, in a health center. They performed orthopedic surgery at my legs.


They gave me gas through a mask. I was periodically awake but drowsy from the anesthesia.


I am male. When I woke up I was connected to the following equipment: IV tubes, breathing tube, urinary catheter tube in through my anus and electrodes. The staff examined me when I woke up. I woke up occationally during the procedure.

I had pain irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had pain or irritation in my anus or rectum. I had slime bleeding discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of my anus or rectum. My underwear being messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body.


If the orthopedic surgery was extensive and in the upper parts of the legs or the hip region, it was difficult to the boy to go to the toilet, and the arrangements seem logical.

But based on the description this does not seem to be the case.

In many communities all teen boys go through mandatory endoscopoies through their anus, urethra, vagina for girls, and mouth, and if one finds something, they might fix it right away. This procedure is often perfomed in the same session as when the kid is under anesthesia for some other thing. Based on the arrangements with the tubes and the symptoms afterwards, it looks like this is the case here.

Knut Holt



Boy, 8yo, lower stomach surgery after intimate exam under anesthesia

I am male. It happened at schoolage, 8yo, in USA, in 2010 or later. I had an exam or surgery in my stomach area.


I was brought to the hospital by my mom to have some tests done.

To make it easier on me they put me to sleep with a machine they brought into the room. After I woke up and was reddy to go home the doctor came in and he said he needed to operate on me. They then had me change out of my clothes and into a gown.

I was scared but my mom told me to be a brave boy and it would be over soon and my tummy would feel better after. My mom also came into the operating room with me and held my hand well I went to sleep.

They gave me gas through a mask. Both times they gave me gas through a mask. The first time they used a new type of machine that they could use anywhere. The second time was one in an operating room .


I had pain irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs and in my colon or lower stomach.

When I woke up from the operation my belly hurt and I had a big bandage on it


The procedure happened in a hospital. The doctor said I had some parts of my tummy that needed to be fixed right away. Yeah they said something about part of my intestine being twisted and blocked .


After I woke up I was taken to a childrens ward and the doctor and nurse there told the other kids that I might be a little sleepy still because I had anasteic twice .

Yeah I had a few tubes and wires on me, but don't remember what they all were for

Yes, I had breathing tube, it had a funny taste to it. When I got it out they told me to pretend I was blowing out candles.
Not that I remember amy catheter, but I might have. I had heartbeat monitor thing with stickers on me. They examined me and were very gentle and told me I was a brave boy for having surgery then.


The first examination under anesthesia was surely a colonoscopy through the anus, but probably combined with ultrasound or x-ray and other examintions.

The surgery was most probably what the boy was told.

But if the boy did not feel sick or have symptoms before the ordeal, the examination was probably something all boys at that age in that region went through, and probably girls too, and then they detected something. In this case they probably also inspected his urinary system and upper digestive system.

Knut Holt


Boy, 14yo, Eastern Europe, development check with extensive intimate inspections

I am a male. I was a school-aged child. My exact age when this occured. 14 Year 2000 or after. In eastern Europe. I was examined at school. Who did the exam? Nurse Who was also present during the exam? a few nurses and other kids getting same exam


They examined my head teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam. They examined the organs inside my chest. They examined my organs inside my stomach. They examined my genitals. They examined my rectal zone. They did a general examination of my pelvic zones.

They inserted instruments into my nose. They inserted tubes into som blood vessels. They inserted instruments into my urinary opening. They inserted instruments into my rectal opening.

They performed an electrocardiogram of my heart. They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life. They took ultrasound pictures of the examined areas.


I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: mostly lying on my back feet in stirrups


The first thing they did with me: breathing and heart The second thing they did: stomach and abdomen The third thing they did: genital check and manipulation The forth thing they did: instructed to masturbate and they collected semen

And then this was done: Anal insert prostate touch some ejaculation (also collected)

They also did this with me: Watched ultrasounds of genital area testicles and internal groin during above.

The exam ended this way: Removal of sensors let me rest

What do you think was the reason for this exam? no idea


They used a catheter to collect urine They used a catheter or tube to take specimens from my urinary system. They inserted a scope to look into my bladder. They palpated my outar male genitals and testicles. They slid down my foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They performed an ultrasound exam on my genitals including my testicles.

They collected a semen specimen by means of prostate massage through my rectum. They examined my prostate with an ultrasound sond into my anus. They let me masturbate to collect a semen specimen.


They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally. They took specimens from my rectum or bowel with some tube-like instrument. They examined my rectum and terminal colon with a flexibal scope.

They did some more things these were: prostate stimulation and measurement


I had strange pain or irritation in my rectal zone and stomach as if my rectum or bowel had been secretly examined. The exam took a very long time. a few hours The exam did not result in any diagnosis. New exams as follow up please specify: at end of school year.


This boy went through an extensive exam to get a picture of all aspects of his development stage, physically, psycologically and socially, and to detect symptoms of possible development problems. Scientific research was probably also a purpose.

The exam seemed to be strictly standardized according to an international standard, and the nurses had probably got special training to perform this procedure. In many societies in all parts of the world all kids go through this type of exam at this age and also at the prepubertal age, but the commin public is not generally aware. Having the kids to masturbate is however not so common, but it happens.

It is possible, though, that the nurses did certain of the things described for own sexual pleasure. This conclusion is not certain, because everything done could give at least give some useful information.

Knut Holt



Boy, 15yo, Eastern Europe, extensive intimate inspections and tests at school

It happened in Eastern Europe when I was a 15 year old boy, in the period 2015-2018 or later. My parents received a letter telling it would happen. We went there on a bus in group from our main school area to a room in another area belonging to the school that was preliminary prepared for the event. It happened to a selected percentage of the children in my school of the age group.


I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. I got a traditional enema before the exam to clean out my stomach. I had to strip totally naked before the exam, I was totally naked through alll the procedures.

They placed me upon a simple examination table. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices.

I got IVs, tubes into blood vessels, in an arm. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg.

I got electrodes on my cheast. The anesthesia made me relaxed, but I was conscious. I was mostly awake during the procedure, despite anesthesia given.


They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function, with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube.

They examined my upper body, my stomach area and my hip area with an ultrasound device or something similar.

They used electrodes at my chest to record body functions. They used electrodes at my belly to record body functions.

They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area.


They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope.

They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope.

They inspected my anus with a speculum. They inspected me through my anus with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.


I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam.

After they removed the tubes, they let my legs stretch out and I lay for an hour or so to recover completely. The total exam was a few hours, then I rested for an hour or more.
Afterward, I dressed and they took us back to meet my parents, who took me home. I attended ordinary daytime school.


The anesthesia used was probably by the IV tubes, but without putting the kid totally to sleep. The meaming with this anestehsia is alsp to make the kid forget, but this will often not occur as intended.

I guess his lower digestive system was also inspected through his anus with a flexible scope, but that this was not well remembered. The arrangement afterwards with legs in stirrups and a tube going through his anus was probably a computerized test inside his lower digestive system

This is a standardized international procedure used on all kids or on a specific percentage og them, but never spolen about publicly.

They seem to be coordinated by some international institutions. Kids go through this procedure when they begin school, at the preteen period and in the early teens as with this boy.

Knut Holt


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