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Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:
Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:
Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
Authorities in most countries have a tradition of subjecting children to intrusive medical procedures held secret both to the children and their parents. It happens in medical centers, hospitals, schools, kindergartens and child protective agencies. Sometimes the anesthesia i downright lured into the children. Other times they get anesthesia for some minor procedure, like dental work or tonsillectomy, but additional things of intuisive kind are done. But anesthesia never work perfectly, so information about the things done can eaily be stored in the memories of the children, but in a confused way. When such memorized elements pop up again in the minds of the children, often during night, an alien abduction story can result.
ORGASM INFORMATION - Learn about the Types of Orgasms Women and Men Can Have
By Knut Holt
When a man or woman gets an orgasm, the good feelings in the genital area or other sexually loaded areas increase to a peak and then settle down to a lower level again. There will also be an increasing mental ecstasy that reach a peak and then settles again.
After the orgasm the person feels satisfied and relaxed, but can feel revitalized in many ways. A relaxed ecstatic state can remain a long time after the orgasm.
Physiological reactions like engorgement by women, erection by men, fluid secretions and undulating muscular reflexes also get to a peak and then settle down again. By men the orgasm usually, but not always have ejaculation of semen as a component.
Orgasm usually occur after prolonged and repetitive stimulation of sexually sensitive body zones, either physically, mentally or both. The stimulation results in nerve impulses being sent to the spinal cord and the brain and good feelings as a result. The central nervous system then sends impulses back to the stimulated area and other sensual zones resulting in all the physical reactions.
The physical reactions increase the impulses sent to the brain and the resulting feelings. The central nervous system respond by intensifying the impulses sent back with more intense bodily reactions as the result. The increased feelings also tempt the person to intensify his stimulating actions.
This way the feelings, behavior and reactions steadily intensify, often in a wave-like manner until the peek is reached. During the peak there will be many subsequent waves of intense feelings, muscular contractions in the pelvic zones and undulating body movements.
Many persons can experience a new increase of arousal when all the orgasmic reactions have settled, and by new stimulation a new orgasm can be reached. When this is possible several times without any waiting time between, the phenomenon is called multiple orgasms. Probably more women than men have this ability. Most persons, however, experience that stimulation just after an orgasm do not result in so good feelings. But with a relaxing pause of some minutes between each orgasm it is possible for most persons to have two or more orgasms.
A women or a man can get orgasm by stimulation many body areas. Orgasm by stimulation at the genital area is the most commonly occurring, but there will be reflexive feelings and reactions in the whole pelvic area and other body parts.
By women, there seems to be three kind of genital orgasm. By clitoral orgasm the process has the clitoris as the origin and the orgasmic process spreads to deeper area like the G-spot, the inner vaginal area and the uterus.
By G-spot orgasm the process seems to start in the area between the vagina and the urethra and the area around the urethra, the so-called G-spot, and spreads to the clitoris and other areas. Some women also report getting orgasm with the innermost parts of the vagina and the uterus as the center.
A man most often gets orgasm by stimulation at the penis, and especially the penile head, but the process spread to all parts of his genitals and backwards along the area around the urethra to the prostate. The whole of this area is involved in the reflexive pumping during ejaculation.
Some men can also achieve orgasm by primarily stimulating the prostate, most often through the rectal wall. In this case the reactions spread forward to the penis.
Some men and women can get orgasm with the rectal and anal area as the center, by stimulating the rectal opening and the inner lining of the anus, and especially if deep anal stimulation is involved.
Many women and some men report having orgasms upon stimulation of the breast nipples, the sensual brownish area around the nipples and the area in a wider circumference around the nipples. This area is sexually sensitive in both sexes.
A stimulation of the breast area, seems however to create reflexive processes in the genitals and in the uterus and inner vaginal area. The orgasms achieved through breast stimulation may therefore often have its centre in the genital zone, even though the breasts are the zone primarily stimulated.
The lips and the deeper parts of the mouth and throat are still a sexually sensitive area. A person can therefore sometimes get orgasm through kissing and oral sex. Also in this case reflections in the pelvic zone plays a great part, and the centre of orgasm lies probably in the pelvic area. When two person kisses, they usually also caress each other and mutually stimulate each other at many sensual body parts.
Orgasms can sometimes occur upon pure mental stimulation or as a result of mental processes. In these cases the mental process usually results in reflexes in the genitals and the orgasm will have the genitals or other pelvic areas as the centre of the process. Mental stimulation leading to orgasm is especially common during dreams. By teenage boys and men such dreams can lead to ejaculation and subsequent wakening.
Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find information about health and sexuality and presentation of natural products in the same fields, please visit his web-site:-----
Norway Heading Towards Economic Collapse, Poverty and Social Misery
Due to its great revenues from the oil sector and accumulation of heavy financial funds from this revenue, Norway is generally regarded as the rich uncle of Europe. But the this country is right now in a deep cisis that will result in economical collapse, powerty and social misery.
By medio 2016 the situation within the Norwegian community is as follows:
Home prises in Norway have increased to figures that manyfold exceed the true values of the homes. It is impossible for a Norwegian with an average income to buy a home and pay it off with his income, not even a small apartment.
An average Norwegian have a dept that is impossible to pay down with an average income. Generally Norwegians manage the monthly payment of their old loans temporarily by taking up new loans for a hitgh interest rate.
The average private household income is steadily decreasing, while prizes of all goods are skyrocketing.
There is also a growing bubble in the stock market, that is bond to ripen in a year or so..
The nation as a whole does not have an income that equals its spendings, due to the collapse of oil and gas prices and a depletion of other industries from the Norwegian soil.
The private marker for homes and goods is kept running in a steadily faster speed by banks pumping out credit.
The public sector is kept running in a steadily faster speed by spending from accumulated public funds that are thus emptied.
The Norwegian public infrastructure is badly worn down.
All this will result in a crack in home prizes. The average population will be forced to pay dept by selling their homes, but still have a substantial dept left after selling. It will result in a general poverty in the Norwegisan population. Also the public sector will find itself in a situation of general poverty, and public services will break down. At a somewhat later time the Norwegian stock market will also crack.
Around 1/3 of the income of this country was from the petroleum sector until recently.
A substancial part of this income was used on public spendings.
The private sector of the country has some years got into a habit of spendings that are substancially greater then the already high income, and financing much of the spending by establishing steadily greater dept.
By now the surplus from the petroleum sector is nearly nullified due to the fall of petroleum prices. Due to this, Norway now has much less income than that necessary for the traditional consume in public and private sector.
But the public sector has not reduced its spenings, but is increasing it stedily more. The public sector achieves this by using assets in the accumululated funds.
Also the private sector has steadily increased it spenings in spite of the new situation. This has so far been pussible by even more private lone uptake, because the State is pumping money taken from the funds into every sector of the society. Also a steadily reduction in interest rates has so far been used as a means of holding the spendings high.
The steadily greater loan uptakes have made Norwegian citizens among the heaviest dept burdened in the whole world,
Also due to speculation, due to grand scale manipulation by banks and real estate brokers, and due to the easy access of money for private citizens, the home prizes in Norway has risen to hights that perhaps fourfold exceeds the real value of average hooses and appartments. Norway has by now the worst home bubble in the whole World.
But living off the funds can only continue for a limited period, and fairly soon this source of money will get dried up. Also at some point the banks will rise the interest rates, due to international rise of the rates and due to the need to compensate for losses as the situation in Norway worsens. The Norwegian cociety will sudenly find itself in the following situation:
- The public sector must drastically reduce its spendings in all sectors.
- The private sector will find the revenues drastically decreasing, something which actually already is happening.
- Also the private sector will have to reduce their consume drasticallly.
- Private citizens with an average degree of dept will not be able to pay on their loans.
- A grand scale sell-off of homes and shares will result from these factors.
From this situation the following will result.
- There will be a crack in home prizes to a level near to the level the prizes had before they began to soar. This will mean 80% reduction in home prices.
- The Norwegian stock market will crack likewise, which means a 70% reduction of average stock prices.
- Bank and other lenders will be forced to accepts horrible loss on lones an get into great trouble that the Norwegian state will not be able to bale them out from, which means bank banjrupsies and loss of peoples saved money.
- The average Norwegian citizen will find himself in a situation that will be totally impossible to manage with standard means.
But the way towards this situation, and even more the situation itself when it occurs, have further consequences:
- A great many Norwegian companies will go bankrupt, because most Norwegian companies are themselvs in the pertoleum sector or haventhe petroleun sector as the most important customer, or are dependent of sales to the public sector, something already happening.
- Those not going bankrupt will have to reduce their activity to match spenings with a reduced income, which also is already happening.
- The unemployment rates will soar to a conciderable percentage of the population, which also is beginning to occur.
But the misery does not end here, Norway also have the following social and economical burdens:
- Norway like other European countries is burdened by a steadily greater stream of impoverished immigrants with a law skill levels.
- Due to reduced economical prospectives, foreigners already established in Norway, will however leave the country, but those leaving are the skillful ones.
- Norway is steadily more ridden by religious, or quasi-rligious fanatism, and the fanatism is not only confined to the Islamic sector.
- Norway nearly totally lacks inventiveness, due to the psychological work-up of the population, which will be a hinder for finding solutions for the difficulties.
- Some inventive startups in new sectors occur however, but when a new inventive company has shown to be successful, it is usually sold to foreign interests that bring patents and production out of Norway.
It is hard to see any way Norway will manage the situation developing in an effective way. The country is on an inevitable way towards powerty and general social crisis. It is however difficult to know what definite symptoms this crisis will show, but perhaps one can get an idea by looking at Hellas and Spain.
Knut Holt is a business consultant, writer and marketer focusing on science and on on the health field. At his site you can get a lot of tips regarding disease cures, fitness and sexuality, and find exciting products for the same purposes
Source: http://www.eioba.com/a/553t/norway-heading-toward-great-economical-and-social-crisis
Det norske folket står foran en økonomisk og sosial tragedie
Boligprisne er manipulert opp til fantasinivåer og boliger har aldri vært dyrere i forhold til realinntekta.
Folk sliter med skyhøye lån og mange opptar forbrukerlån for å betjene voliglånet. Gjeldsgraden har aldi vært større.
Reallønna minker.
Bankene begynner nå å heve boliglånsrentene.
Befolkningen opplever kraftig prisstigning på alle varer og tjenester, og denne pristtigningen sjyldes likemye manipulasjon og karttellvirksomhet som naturlige markedsmekanismer.
Privat og offentlig sektor har et forbruk landet ikke har inntekter til å dekke, og staten bruker oppsparte midler til å holde situasjonen under kontroll, men det kan ikke fortsette i lengden.
Vi får krakk i boligprisne. Maqnge må selge boligen og sitter likevel igjen med en skyhøy restgjeld. En stor andel av befolkningen blir arbeidløse. Mange vil oppleve en tilværelse på kanten av sultegrensa.
Det er absolutt ikke pokitisk korrekt å peke på dette som skjer som jeg gjør nå, men noen må ta på seg oppgaven. Myndigheter, banker og alle som har autoritet i det norske samfunnet luller forlk inn i en flask tro på at alt er som det skal være og at det norske samfunnet er verdens beste å bo i, Det har Norge aldri vært, og snart blir Norge ette av de verste Europeisk landene å bo i, iallefall.
Noeh gode råd om mange ting her:
The Norwegian Population Heading Towards Economical and Social Tragedy
As by late 2016, this is the situation within Norway
The household prizes have been manipulated to heights never seen before that folks could imagine only in their most helish fantacies some years ago. By the prizes of today it is not possible for an average Norwegian household to buy a home and pay it off in a lifetime.
Still many Norwegians have bought a home for those prizes, and still keep doing it, and by doing so they establish a dept that will be unpayable in the long run.
Never have the Norwegian population been so dept-burden, and folks of Norway are the most dept-burden population in the whole world. Average Norwegians are struggling to pay off their dept, and it is usual in Norway to establsih short-term loans and use those to pay the obligstions on the long-term home-loan, which of cource will have catastrophic consequences for the many that do so in Norway.
The average income of Norwegian citizens is dwindling.
The banks in Norway are steadily increasing the interest rates on home loans right now.
The prizes of all goods and services are rapidly increasing in Norway right now.
Norwegian companies are steadily more moving their production to other countries, thus depleting job-opportunities for the Norwegians.
The Norwegian society, public and private, consumes a lot more that the income of the country permits. The Norwegian state spends from saved assets to make this possible, and postpone the inevitable collapse, but that can only last for a limited time.
The comsequences of all this in the near future will be tragic. The home prices will collapse by 80% or so. A great percentage of the Norwegian population will be forced to sell their home, and still remain with a heavy dept afterwords. The unemployment rate in Norway wil soar to probably the worst in the whole wetern World. Many Norwegians will find themselves at the brink of starvation.
Meanwhile authorities and banks are manipulating the Norwegian population to look away from these facts, and to acting in a way that make the situation even worse. THey do so because people in an authority position and cooperating speculants have personal gain from doing so.
Knut Holt
By the way, a lot of good health, sex and fitness advices here:
Norway has been undeservedly been denominated the best land to live in in 2017
This denomination is absolutely undeserved and is a blow in the face for the great percentage of Norwegian citizens which have a real hard time.
The prices of everything are horribly high in that country. Especially prices of housing which have been manipulated to the highest in the World by the mafia governing the economy of Norway. But also prices of food, transportation, gazoline and cars are far beyond decency. Also the quality of food in Norwegian shops is far below the acceptable.
Compared to the price levels, Norwegians have a law average income, even though the vages seem high when converted to some foreign currencies, and the effective income is steadily declining partly because Norway nearly do not any more have any net proffit from the petroleum sector that the country is totally dependent on.
Also the Norwegian companies that still are profitable have mostly outsourced their production to other countries and do not contribute much to the vages and employment of Norwegian citizens.
So in reality Norwegians are rather poor and get steadily poorer.
Also the Norwegian society is steadily more plagued with fanatism, obstackles and burdens of all kind. Norway also has an allarmingly high unemploymnt level, which is redefined to other categories to make a fine statistics, and the average Norwegian citizen is among the worst dept-burdened in the whole world due to home prices manipulated by the domestic mafia to fantay levels.
Norway have mostly free health care, but the waiting time to get help is long and the quality of the health care is so bad, that in most case it is adviceable not to seek help because a horribly number of persons get sicker of the treatment from the health care than better.
Add to that the fact that Norway has a so-called child protective system that can come any night and snap your children away from you because you do not conform to some strict normality scheme, or they just make up a pretence in order to be able to take your child, because some cooperating part is interested in having himher for some purpose.
I really do not see why Norway should be on the top of that list, because living in Norway has become a burdensome and expensive task for anybody. You seldome see any really happy people in Norway, but rather persons stressed to the breaking point by all kind of obstackles, burdens, dept, costs, fanatism and regulations imposed by the authorities or private service providers you depend on.
Most Norwegians reading about this denomination and commenting it are shaking their heads and see it as a result of skillful propaganda from Norwegian authorities.
Knut Holt
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