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Lauren's Apartment
Lauren's Apartment
Upon entering the apartment all that is in sight is complete and utter darkness. You flick on the nearby switch and a harsh light floods the hallway. Glancing up you observe that a naked bulb dangles from a wire, and it looks as if whatever had previously held the bulb in place had been rashly torn from the ceiling, shards of glass still remaining along the edges of where the bulb would have sat. The pieces of glass that must have fallen were gone-swept up from sight to hide what appeared to be a release of rash anger.

Continuing through the apartment you come to a minimally decorated living room, lit by a dim bulb that should have been replaced, but wasn't. The kitchen is clean-as is the rest of the apartment-but this room, too, has little to no furniture or decor.

Next is the bedroom, and this is entered cautiously, for privacy should be respected. It's sparsly decorated, few embellishments to the bare room. Above a cluttered desk is a big calender, this month portrayed with many boxes for each day. On at least a dozen days "Dr. Appt." is written, leaving you to wonder what illness or injury has taken the femme. The bathroom is to the side, devoid of anything special. It's now time to leave or stay-depending on the wishes of the host.. Lauren.
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