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Subject: Hi Darian

Monke y Boy
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Date Posted: 18:28:20 08/30/05 Tue

Hi Darian O'Tolley.

I found Farrow. Sorta. His last name is Stephenson and he was in San Diego for a bit after SF. I'm looking for him in all the big cities. I'll find him O'Tolley!

Hey look
CLEAR CHANNEL SACRAMENTO-SAN FRANCISCO regional Talk PD KEN KOHL, who's been in charge of KNEW-A and KQKE-A/SAN FRANCISCO and KFBK-A and KSTE-A/SACRAMENTO, is exiting the company- staffers were sent a memo with the news late MONDAY (8/29). KOHL is now the name leading the field to join INFINITY's rumored new BAY AREA FM talker (most likely on the newly-acquired KEAR) and possibly News KCBS-A, as well. Stay tuned …
The MANCOW-to-WCKG move in CHICAGO is dead, reports the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES' ROBERT FEDER, who says that talks have broken off and MANCOW MULLER will stay at EMMIS Alternative WKQX (Q101).

FEDER quotes Q101 VP/GM MARV NYREN as acknowledging that talks about a possible move of MULLER to INFINITY's FM Talk WCKG and other INFINITY stations to replace the departing HOWARD STERN did take place and that INFINITY wanted to do it by the start of the FALL ratings book (SEPTEMBER 22); departed WCKG VP of programming JEFF SCHWARTZ, heading to ABC Sports WMVP-A (ESPN 1000) as PD, tells FEDER that WCKG has no other STERN replacement lined up, noting that he and WCKG VP/GM TERRY HARDIN "submitted a bevy of names and ideas for the morning show, but there was no discussion about any of them."

You an come live in Sacramento with me Darian O'Tolley. Haaaaaa. I'm going to meet Mike B. Tell him I'm good.

Monkey Boy

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Re: Hi DarianJules20:15:31 08/30/05 Tue

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