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Subject: Thanks for the heads up, Hawk!

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Date Posted: 18:54:04 09/01/05 Thu
In reply to: H 2 0 's message, "They have invaded your space" on 18:30:30 09/01/05 Thu

OMG...how did Miami survive "keepin' it real with Bow-Wow and Paris?!"

Oh My...Yikes...YOUCH...LOL!!! Keep it real, dawg. I feelin' it...fo real, Skips and Herbie! UGH...I cringe..I cringe... OH HOW I LONG TO BE THAT MUCH TALKED ABOUT LAST DAY IN SEPT!!!!


Gee...what do ya think they *bleeped*? Why...it's just ZANY!!!

As for www.myspace.com/klsx...let's just do this thang...
Joel S--- Grandpappy (OK...granduncle) of TALK RADIO! Show some marthafarking respect!)
Howard---(yeah...it's old...it's predictable...it's JUST SAD these days...but IT RAKES IN HOW MANY MILLION???!!! What have you done for *them* lately?!
Tom L--- PASS
Heidi, "No Fat Chicks Frank" and Frosty...FUNNNY!!!! TOPICAL...and DID I MENTION (cuz it's RARELY warranted) FUNNY!!!
Conway and Whitman...CONWAY JR. As in TIM CONWAY JR. Are ya kiddin'?!!! HA-larious!!!

Seriously...no hidden bullshit here. It's NOT an audition. It's not a "placement test" it's not a 3 hour bleep on the emergency broadcasting system.

And it ain't a secret.

YES... WE will be live on KLSX
YES... WE like the NEW regime and logic (hardly ever in the same sentence, btw) of Infinity.
YES...Jack S. and Bob M. have GRACIOUSLY invited me to come and play for a couple of hours. Nothing more. Nothing less!
YES...More to follow at an *as yet undisclosed* location in SF the following week.
YES...we have no bananas!
NO...I am NOT dead. Just Canadian!

Now play nice. Or I'll come out there and kick your ass. You know I will!


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And by JOEL...Didiot21:33:17 09/01/05 Thu

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