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Subject: Re: Friday night with Darian & Chad

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Date Posted: 20:21:35 09/10/05 Sat
In reply to: swampcoven 's message, "Re: Friday night with Darian & Chad" on 23:01:16 09/09/05 Fri

100% improvement over the previous night, what little i've heard of it admittingly from thursday. Then again, how long has it been since she's been on the air? that's to be expected. it can take a night to get in the groove again. you can't rush talent....

still, some minor comments about friday's show:

-remember, let the phoners be the star when they're on and comment accordingly. I heard a few cut off from their stories, to the point where the caller didn't give the "payoff" for the buildup, and left me wanting to hear the end of their story. Yes, comments from darian and chad were good, but got in the way just a little bit what was going on, sharing 3some stories.

-I was a bit worried about chad in hour 1, as he hardly said anything with the whole ed mcmahon appearance, but bounced back in hr 2 nicely.would have liked to have heard him a bit more, asking ed questions, maybe couldn't think of any? darian's a bit of a mic hog, but that can be easily coached.

-she did the same thing in hr 3, with the guests and callers. it's a delicate balance between keeping it fun and handling all the people, the callers, the guests and her, but I would scale it back a just a bit. D's the ringmaster with the sarcastic commentary with the guests and the callers...try not to get in the way in a effort to be funny all the time too much. reacting to the guests and callers is your strength and you do it well, not to mention the off the cuff remarks now and then.

As D knows, I'm no bullshitter. I'm a straight shooter, I tell it like I see it, I don't care who the hell you are, and i've pissed off other smaller players in the local Hali radio scene with my opinions, too bad so sad. I don't kiss anyone's ass. I suppose playing PD now, if anything from a listener perspective with a radio background. Ultimately, the infinity boys will guide you in the direction they want. That's what matters.

All in all a great show friday night, you hit the ball outta the park D!

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