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Subject: For DO'T, my new obsession!

Just another fool in love
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Date Posted: 02:29:46 09/18/05 Sun

I work for the competition so I have to be a little vague. Or maybe I work for the same folks as you. Rumors are rampant as you know.

There was so much hype leading up to your arrival that I actually pitied you. What a stupid mistake that was. We were all expecting stories of green M&M's, white roses in the dressing room, praline cookies and hot cocoa and foot stomping temper tantrums. You should know, and I'm sure everyone's playing their cards close to the vest so you propbably don't, that you are described as genuine, funny, humble, too talented for LA and cute as heck.

You talked on the air about the love of radio and the passion that's missing on the dial. You proved that there's someone who can change that.

I fell so hard for your wit and humor that I'm jealopus enough of Seth M to call him and chalenge him to a duel. Yeah, I have the number. You should've told Dan to pick up that warm line. But we'll meet again, my new crush!

They call me Murph. Ask around. Please don't stray to far.

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