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Subject: YIKES!!!

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Date Posted: 21:57:48 09/18/05 Sun

I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't been more present on this wacky giant post-it note with my ugly mug all over it. Cheeky Chad and I are on an INCREDIBLY EXCITING (if surreal) whirlwind adventure to say the least.

But, tonight, we are chillin' in the East Bay while Colonel Barker, the handsome Barker Boys and Cheeky Chad tear up the Barker kitchen (literally) - and it should be noted; while they are sweating and working their fine asses off, they are drinking straight whiskey from a dirty shot glass with an unidentified pube in it. They are absolutely NOT sending me out in a cushy Lexus every 1/2 hour to Starbucks (two on every corner btw) for GIRLY drinks like verte mocha frap extra whip (?!) ... No siree. Uh-uh....nope! Whiskey I say. That's the story and we're sticking to it. Sssssssssssssssssssh!

Now on to the EMMYS!!! WOW WOW WOW WOW...To say it is bizarre to watch Ed McMahon cry on live TV during a tribute to Johnny Carson, while Seth's Family Guy clip leads into a MUCH deserved win for Jon Stewart and a nomination for Denis (ROBBED) 9 days after the KLSX extravaganza that we actually in moments of typical insecurity questioned the topicality of...(ba ha) is to say Hitler was kind of a bully!

I promise I will answer all of the posts at some point in the next few hours. Ain't even gonna try to play this cool. This is soooo much more than I even hoped for and I am savoring every damn second! When the midget (he's sooo gone LA) shuts up that is...hehehe.

THANKS CALIFORNIA!!! Mama's home! And she brought a little ball of crazy with her just for sport.

PS- How did the pilgrims live without TIVO? Pausing live TV KICKS ASS!!!

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