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Subject: Re: Tom Saviano and Steve Madaio

Diva D
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Date Posted: 12:41:12 09/19/05 Mon
In reply to: Sam Baskerville 's message, "Tom Saviano and Steve Madaio" on 14:47:31 09/17/05 Sat

Crush nothing! I fell in love with Tom years ago when he came into the KBGG studio and played for me with the equally wonderful Bill C. We call Tommy the "Forrest Gump" of music cuz he's literally worked with everyone at some point. He lauched the Fox network as Joan River's musical director, he was Letterman's original MD, CHicago, Earth WInd and Fire, Sons, hes currently in Chicken Little and (sigh) he recently did an episode of my FAVORITE show, Family Guy. He's also one of the sweetest, sexiest, funniest, hottest and amazingly talented men I have ever known. And a great friend. SO yeah, the love ya heard between us...all real. We'll be pals forever. And I might make him marry me...ha ha.

As for Hip Li'l Dreams, I love it all but Soul Explosion is my absolute fave and Tamara's song, "I'm Not Your Lover" is gonna be a HUGE hit. One of the best love songs I've heard in a loooooong time. Those boys make me swoon.

That was the first time I ever met Steve M. LOVED him. What a cool and fascinating guy and he meant what he said. I'm thrilled that it inspired you. Never give up, Sam!


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